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I woke up, and rolled over to feel empty ness next to me. I rubbed my puffy eyes with my hands and checked the time. It was almost 5:30. Harry texted me around 12.

12:57 pm

just landed! miss u tons❤️

1:40 pm
r u asleep?

2:37 pm
love and miss you💕
ft me when u wake up:)

I quickly called him. I felt bad for not answering. After 2 rings his face appeared on my screen. I immediately smiled seeing him,

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hey, sleep good?" He asked.

"Not really. Sorry for not answering."

"It's okay. Well I actually have to go to a team dinner so i'll call you later, okay?" He smiled.

I pouted at the fact her had to hang up so soon, "Aww, okay. Well I love you. I miss you already." I smiled.

"I love you more. And, I miss you more." He said.

"No you don-" I started but he cut me off.

"Okay bye babe!" He laughed and hung up. I texted him,


u know you love

yeah, yeah. whatever.
have fun at dinner love❤️

i'll call u

I set my phone down on the side table and closed my eyes. I was thinking about Harry being next to me when Mia came in,

"Hey," She said softly.

"Hi." I said closing my eyes.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"Horrible. It hasn't even been a day and I already miss him." I said grabbing the pillow next to me and putting it over my face.

She sighed, "Yeah I know how you feel. Long distance sucks."

I forgot that her and Niall did long distance for months. She took the pillow from me and hit me with it,

"Now come on. I got food. And i'm starving, so hurry." She said standing up and walking out.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I saw how awful I looked. My eye bags were huge and my skin was pale. Thank God I have the day off tomorrow.

I splashed cold water on my face and walked downstairs. I sat at the table and it felt weird without Harry there. For the most part, I didn't talk while we ate. I chimed in here and there when they asked me questions, but I didn't voluntarily speak.

After I was done, I headed back upstairs and climbed back into bed. I answered a few emails and looked at my schedule. My schedule for the next few weeks was honestly clear. I didn't have a major part in the company I worked at. So a lot of the more experienced models got to do most of the stuff. I wasn't really complaining though. I liked the free time.

As I was watching The Office, my phone started ringing. It was Harry. I immediately picked up when I saw.

Me and Harry talked for hours. When I checked the time, it was nearly 11 o'clock here. Which meant it was 2 am in Pennsylvania.

"Holy shit! Harry it's 2 am there! You have to go to bed!" I said realizing what time it was there.

He shrugged, "I'd much rather talk to you. Besides, I don't have that much to do tomorrow." He lied.

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