I had to go back to L.A. today. This was going to be the worst goodbye ever. After I say my farewell to Harry at the airport, I won't see him for another 2 whole months.

I'm scared as hell for what's going to happen between us, but we can get through this; I know we can.

I zipped up the last things in my suit case and sat on the hotel bed with a huff. I ran my hand through my messy hair as Harry walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as I looked at him, tears filled my eyes. Leaving him was going to be so hard.

"Isa, baby. Don't cry." He came and sat next to me. He wrapped his big arms around me and I melted into him. I couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down my face.

"I love you, Harry. I love you so, so, so much." I said and squeezed him.

"Isa, we're not even at the airport yet. Why are you saying your goodbyes now?" He chuckled.

"I'm gonna miss you. A lot." I sniffled.

"It's okay, we got this. I'll facetime you as soon as you land."

I nodded and stood up to gather the rest of my things. I triple checked to see if I had everything and me and Harry headed out to the car.

The drive there was silent. It was just me and him soaking in each other's presence while it lasted. The drive felt way too short for my liking.

I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk and shut it. Harry and I walked in, hand in hand, not a care in the world as to if paparazzi saw us or fans. To us, we were the only ones in that airport.

My gate was coming up and I felt the need to slow down a little. I didn't want to leave. I couldn't leave him. I need him.

"Harry," I stopped. "I can't do it. I can't."

He stepped in front of me, "Hey, it's okay." He put both of his hands on my shoulders.

"I can't leave you. I need you, Harry."

He laughed a little, "I'm not dying, love. You'll still be able to contact me."

"I know," I looked down at the ground. "I just don't know what i'm gonna do with out you."

"And I don't know what i'm going to do with our you. But we'll figure this out. I know we can." He reassured.

I nodded and tears filled my eyes, "I love you, Harry." I looked at him.

His eyes watered, "I love you more." He wiped my tears.

I took a deep breath and let go of his arms. I started walking towards my gate and I turned around one last time and blew him a kiss. He caught it and put it to his heart. I wanted to run over to him and jump in his arms, but I know I couldn't.

I forced myself to turn around and walked away. It felt like my heart was glass and someone just dropped it on the floor.

I sat down in my seat and put my headphones in. Tears streamed down my face as I sat, looking out the window.

I believed we could do this, I truly did. I love him, and we've been through so much together. So 3 months apart will be nothing, right?

For the whole plane ride, I listened to music. Music helped me escape from everything; drown my thoughts out.

Before I knew it, the plane landed and I was back in L.A.

I immediately ordered my cab and started to get off. This time when I got off the plane, I had nothing to look forward to. Just work, work, work, event, work, work, work, charity, work, work. Fun.

I picked up my bags from baggage claim and headed out to the car that I called. I just wanted to go home and fall asleep. I almost forgot to text Harry, I was so tired.

Just landed, miss you:(
love you so much.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I shut my phone off and flipped it over in my lap. The ride home felt short, thankfully.

I thanked my driver and headed inside. When I opened the door, a vanilla scent filled the house. It felt good to be home, but nowhere felt like him if Harry wasn't there.

"Isa!" Mia yelled, running towards me. She engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey," I said choking back tears.

She pulled back and a look of concern washed over her face, "You okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "Fine. Miss Harry, that's all."

"Aww," She pulled me into another hug. "I know how you feel, honey. It's the worst." She pulled back. "How about you go get some sleep? You look tired."

I sighed, "I am, very."

She nodded and moved out of the way for me to pick up my luggage and haul it upstairs. As soon as I made it into my room, I dropped it.

I kicked my shoes off and put my headphones on my dresser. I walked over to my bed and plopped down.

I threw my phone on my nightstand and pulled the covers over me. I took some deep breaths and told myself everything was going to be okay. It'll work out in the end. Every relationship has their road bumps, but that's what makes them stronger. This is going to make Harry and I's relationship stronger.


Sorry i've been so inactive and not updating! I've been busy with school and i've been trying to think of where this plot is going. I've been brainstorming a lot of things and I think I know what I want to do, so please bear with me!:) I'll definitely be updating more now since it's summer, so sorry for making you guys wait!

          - char

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