3 weeks had passed with Harry being on tour. And let me say, it was absolutely agonizing. I talked to him as much as possible, and whenever he could. I didn't really do much in the past 3 weeks. All I did was work, and mope around. I tried to keep my head high, but it was hard.

I went on a run, and met Mia at a little coffee shop,

"So, you excited to see Harry in a week and a half?" She asked.

I sighed, "You have no idea. I just wish I could go sooner."

"What if you did?" She asked with a smirk.

I perked up, "What?!"

She shrugged, "Maybe I got us pit tickets to his Minnesota show in 4 days," She said, acting like it wasn't a big deal.

"YOU DID?!" I yelled, "This is great! Oh my God! I have to text Harry!" I said pulling my phone out.

She snatched it out of my hands as I was typing, "That's the thing," she started, "I was thinking that maybe we could like surprise him in the crowd, you know?"

"Yeah, that actually does sound like a good idea. I can't wait!" I said excitedly.

"So we're flying out the day before the show, so if Harry facetimes you, just tell him you're out of town for a shoot or something." Mia said.

I nodded my head a agreed. I was so excited to see Harry, I couldn't contain myself.


I way over packed the night before our flight. I was staying 2 days and I practically packed for a whole month. But I had no idea what I was going to wear. So I packed a whole bunch of different outfits, to be safe.

We landed in Minnesota at around 11. When we got to the hotel, Harry asked me to facetime,

"Hi," I answered smiling.

"Hi. Where are you?" He asked, noticing the surroundings.

"I'm staying in Las Vegas for the weekend because I have a shoot. Did I not tell you?" I played dumb.

"Oh, no. I don't think so. Well that sounds like fun," He smiled.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see you next week. I miss you tons." I smiled.

"Tell me about it," He sighed, "I just wish you could come with me, ya know?"

"Yeah me too." I sighed.

"Maybe you can." He said, "Like for a couple weeks. After my Tennessee show. Stay with me. I'm sure it won't be a big deal. You could call off work." He started rambling.

"That sounds amazing," I started, "But, I don't wanna distract you."

"What?" He questioned, "Distract me? No, I would be more focused with you there and not worrying about you."

It threw me a little off guard that he asked me to come with him. Of course I wanted to go. But, I didn't know if it was the best idea. After talking to Harry for a while, he had to go to an interview.

For the rest of the night, we chilled around and watched movies. Niall had come along too, so it was us 3. Soon, both Niall and Mia were asleep, so I decided to try and get some sleep too. But failed. I was too excited to sleep. Tomorrow, I would be able to hug Harry. To kiss him. To fall asleep with him. I would be able to be with him.

Soon enough, light was spilling through the curtains. I checked the time and saw it was 10:30. I didn't go to bed till 4, but had so much energy.

I looked over to see that Niall and Mia were gone. So, I figured they went to breakfast. I took a shower and laid in bed on my phone. Time felt like it was going so slow. I just wished it was time for Harry's show already.

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