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Another week went by and I was still waiting for that call. Whenever my phone rang, my heart always skipped a beat. I was hoping it was them, but It always ended up being Lanie, Mia, or my parents.

I was out on a run with Harry when we did our usual stop at a coffee shop. We ordered, got our drinks and sat down at our usual table in the corner. Me and him were talking when my phone rang. I didn't want to get my hopes up and think it was Amanda, so I figured it was either Lanie or Mia. But when I flipped my phone over. It was Amanda. I immediately looked up at harry and he was ushering me to answer it.

I slid my finger across the screen and answered,

"Hi, this Is Isabella Short speaking,"

"Hey Isabella, it's Amanda Wyatt. We had a meeting about a week ago."

"Yes Amanda! It's nice to hear from you!"

"Yes, you too! Well I was calling to say that we would love to have you here. You meet every qualification we want and you seem like a lovely person. So we would love to have you in as soon as Monday. How does that sound?" She asked.

"Great! That sounds great! I'll see you then! Bye!" I hung up and jumped in the air.

"I got it! I got the job!" I said squealing.

Harry jumped up too, "What?! No way! Congrats!"

"I'm so excited!" I said jumping into Harry's arms giving him a big hug.

"You're going to be great Isa. Soon the headlines are going to be 'Who is the mystery man Isabella Short is caught running with' and not 'Who is the mystery woman Harry Styles is caught running with'." He says wiping a fake tear.

I roll my eyes and sit back down.

"Big plans tonight?" He asks sipping his coffee.

"Yeah actually. I have a date." I smile.

"Oh really? That's good! With who?" He asks looking out the window.

"Um I think his name is like Luke or something."

He shoots his eyes back to me, "You don't know his name?" He chuckles.

"I've only talked to him like once!" I defend.

Harry leans back in his chair and laughs. He then goes back to looking around the shop. I sit admiring this beautiful man in front of me. God he's going to be hard to get over. He's everything I want in a guy. I mean everything.

We pay and start to walk back to the car. As we get in my phone connects to the aux and starts playing my most recent song. Which happened to be 'Carolina'. I watch as a smirk grows on Harry's face.

"Okay, it's not what you think I- I had my playlist on shuffle an-" He cuts me off.

"Ohhh so i'm on your playlist, now am I?" He grins putting his seatbelt on.

I sigh in defeat and click to my other playlist that doesn't have him on it.

We drive back home and jam out to music.

When we get home me and Harry both walk into the kitchen to see Niall and Mia making out,

Harry gags, "You get engaged and don't know how to act."

"Heyyy." Mia says pulling away. She looks at me for some support but I just look away.

I place my hand on Harry's shoulder, "Sorry M, but i'm gonna have to agree with fruit man on this one." I sigh.

Harry shoots me a confused look at the nickname but I ignore it.

"Let's get ready for your date." Mia says pulling me away from Harry.

Mia will not stop talking about how Niall proposed. It's cute, but after you've heard about it 100 million times, you get sick of it. I took a shower and put on some makeup.

I put on some jeans, a white t-shirt, heels and a cream colored blazer. It was an early dinner date so I didn't want to over do it.

I said bye to Mia and the boys. I couldn't help but feel Harry's eyes watching my every move. I brushed it off and walked out.

I got in the car and the first song that played was 'Adore You'. It got me thinking of Harry and our friendship. I really like Harry but he was with Kendall. So I couldn't do that to her. They seemed to really like each other, so I wasn't going to break that up.

I arrived at the restaurant and reluctantly went in. I know I agreed to this date to get my mind off of Harry but I didn't want to be here.

I was greeted with Luke sitting at a table waiting for me.

I waved at him and he stood up to give me a hug.

We were talking, just getting to know each other when he started telling a story. I was listening at first but then I got distracted and started thinking about Harry. I wondered what it would be like to date him. He's probably a really good boyfriend. I mean he's a good bestfriend but I bet he's an even better boyfriend.

"You okay?" Luke asked pulling me away from my daydream.

"Hm wha- oh yeah. I'm fine." I smiled.

He nodded and continued with his story. That I was half listening to. The rest of dinner went okay but I was honestly just bored and ready to go home. Not that Luke was boring, I just wanted to see Harry.

After dinner we were walking out,

"Hey I had a good time," Luke smiled.

"Yeah me too I half smiled. Luke listen I-" I started but he cut me off,

"Yeah you didn't seem too interested in me," he chuckled, "Let me guess, this was to try and get over someone?" He laughs.

"Yeah. Yeah it was. I'm so sorry." I say.

"Hey no problem. I just got out of a relationship of 3 years so. It's difficult to get yourself out there." He smiled, "I hope you have a good night." He says walking away.

I walked back to my car ashamed. I couldn't even go on one date without thinking about him. It kills me that he doesn't know how I feel. I wanna tell him so bad but I can't.

I hop in my car and play my sad playlist and jam out. When I got back home, everyone was in the living room. Everyone including Kendall. Yay. Just what I need.

"Hey guys." I say sitting down with a huff.

"Hey how'd it go?" Mia asks.

"Uh, well I kinda told him I didn't wanna see him again." I say.

"What?! Why Isa?!" She questions.

I quickly look at Harry and see he's looking at me so I immediately look back down at the ground,

"I dunno. Just didn't feel a spark." I shrug.

Mia sighs. She knows the real reason I told him I didn't want to see him again. But instead of ripping my head off she just sighs. I'm sure she'll tell me off once Niall and Harry are gone.

"Hey Isabella, I heard you got that job. Congrats!" Kendall smiled.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate what you did, you didn't have to do that." I smile.

"Don't be silly. I'm glad you got it. Can't wait to work with you."

"Yeah you too." I say quickly looking at Harry whose looking at me.

I stand up and grab my phone,

"I'm going to bed. I'll catch you guys later. Goodnight." I say before walking out.

I catch one last glance at Harry. His green eyes met with mine. I gave him a quick half smile, and turn around.

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