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I woke up the next day happy and well rested. I sat up and smiled to myself remembering that I have a date with Harry tonight. It was so late that I didn't even tell Mia about what happened.

I checked the time and saw that it was nearly 7:30 am. So Mia probably wasn't up.

I crept out of my room and walked down the hallway to Mia and Nialls room. I slowly opened the door and saw her and Niall cuddled up.

I walked over to her side of the bed and lightly shook her,

"Mia." I whisper shouted.

She groaned and rolled over to me. She slightly opened her eyes and looked at her phone to check the time,

"Isa, it's 7:30. What do you want?" She said rubbing her eyes. Niall moved his arm off of her and rolled on his side, facing away from her.

"Great, now i'm cold and it's 7:30 am. This better be good." She said sitting up slightly.

I cleared my throat a little, "Harry asked me out on a date last night," I smiled replaying the events that happened last night, over in my head.

Mia shot up and her jaw dropped, "HE WHAT?!" She yelled. Niall jumped a little at the sudden noise and groaned.

"Yeah I know, it's crazy. And we uh, we kissed," I said grinning from ear to ear.

Mia then jumped out of bed, "YOU WHAT?!" She yelled even louder.

Niall took a pillow and threw it over his head while mumbling, "Kill me now."

"Isa this is great! Oh my god! Okay, of course i'll help you get ready. What time is the date? Oh! And of course i'll have to invite Hailee over cause she cannot miss out on thi-" She said pacing back and forth, but I cut her off before she could get any more out,

"Mia! Chill," I giggled, "I think you're more excited than I am."

She took a seat next to me, "Well this is the first dude you've actually shown interest in after... well you know who, anyway i'm just happy for you. That's all." She smiled putting an arm around me and giving me a slight side hug.

"Okay, we'll i'm gonna go for a run. I'll catch you in a bit. Bye Mia. BYE NIALL!" I yelled the last part. He flipped me off and pulled the covers over his head.

I walked out and headed back to my room. As I was on my way back, Harry was walking out of his room. Immediately he saw me and gave me the biggest smile,

"Hey," He said walking towards me.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Im going for a run, wanna come?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was actually just about to go on one. Just let me get ready and i'll be down in a minute." I said.

"Yeah, okay." He smiled.

I walked passed him and sped walk into my room. I shut the door and couldn't help but smile. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, did my hair, put on a little makeup and changed into some leggings and a cropped tank top that matched.

I threw on my busted tennis shoes and headed downstairs. I saw Harry in the kitchen on his phone. I walked in and he looked up and smiled at me. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water,

"Ready?" I asked shutting the fridge.

"Yep. But I get to drive." He states.

"Uh why?" I ask confused as to why he wants to drive now.

"Well you always say 'driver gets aux'," He says in a high pitched voice trying to mock me, "And i'm getting tired of your music, so i'm going to educate you on what real music is." He grins.

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