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I woke up the next day bright and early. I had actually felt rested for the first time in a while.

I got up and got ready to go for a run. I made a quick breakfast and hopped in Mia's car and drove to a nearby trail.

It was refreshing to run in the woods. It felt nice with the breeze and smell of the trees. There was a pretty waterfall, so I stopped and took a picture.

As I was running, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry for some reason. He was really on my mind today. I was supposed to be getting over him. But I couldn't for some reason.

I shook the thought out of my head and kept running. After I was done, I decided to get some coffee. I grabbed some to go at a coffee shop Mia had told me about. I nearly forgot that Kendall had given me that number to call, so once I got back in the car, I called them.

I dialed the number and it rang twice before someone picked up. I have them my name and they said they would transfer me. As I was waiting, I saw Harry on a run. I wasn't sure if he had noticed me so I just looked away. But, I heard a knock on my window and turned to see him. Just as I was about to roll it down, someone on the other line picked up. I put my finger up, signaling for him to wait a second.

I talked to someone named Amanda for a little bit and set up an interview for next week. I was beyond excited to go. Once I was done, I rolled my window down to see an impatient Harry standing there.

"Finally, took you long enough." He sighed.

"I was scheduling an interview." I defended.

"Whatever. I can't believe you went on a run without me." He said wiping under his eyes.

I laugh, "I wasn't sure if you were up. I'll ask you next time okay." I smiled.

He looked back at me and then at the coffee cup in the cup holder,

"AND YOU GOT COFFEE?!" He yelled.

"Uh ha no that's from yesterday." I lied.

"I can't believe you Isa. You broke my heart." He said walking away holding his chest like someone stabbed him.

I giggled and waved goodbye as I rolled my window back up. He was making it so hard to get over him.

A week went by and nothing very interesting happened. Just Kendall coming over and me wanting to throw up watching them interact. I was falling for Harry more and more. He would ask me everyday to go on runs and to go get coffee with him. So the more we hung out, the more I liked him. He was funny and genuine. He was so sweet and when fans wanted a photo he always said yes. He lit up every room he walked into. His smile absolutely melted my heart and I could listen to him tell stories all day.

I was falling, and I was falling hard. It was difficult because he was my bestfriend but I was also in love with him. It's like Jim and Pam from The Office. Except, the roles are switched. So i'm Jim and he's Pam.

I was pulled from my deep thoughts when Mia came bursting into my room,


"I have to get in the shower for my interview M." I said pulling the covers off of me.

"Okay i'll tell you while you're in there. It's very very very important." She said pushing me into the bathroom.

I started the shower and got in. Mia and sitting on the floor next to the shower practically having a panic attack,

"Okay Mia chill. What did you need to tell me?" I said putting shampoo in my hair.

JealousyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang