When Niall dropped me and Lanie off at our house I was exhausted to say the least. As soon as I unlocked the door, I kicked my shoes off and threw my keys on the table.

Me and Lanie talked for a little about what happened at the concert and meeting Harry while I made a snack for both of us.

"He was so hitting on you." Lanie said elbowing my arm.

"He was not!" I defended. I wasn't sure if he was or wasn't, I just thought he was being nice.

Lanie let out a sigh, "You're blind. He so was! 'Oh yes Isabella you would be great at modeling'." She said in a British accent trying to impersonate him.

I rolled my eyes and started cleaning up. After I cleaned up I went upstairs and started to get ready for bed.

As soon as I got in bed I crashed. I was so tired from the past few days.

I woke up to my door being flung open and my curtains being ripped open. It was Mia.

"Jesus Mia! What time is it?!" I yelled with a scratchy voice because I had just been woken up.

"Time for you to get up! Come on, we're going to breakfast." She said ripping my blanket off of me.

I groaned at her annoyance but some pancakes did sound really good. I drug myself out of bed and hopped in the shower.

Once I was done getting ready I headed downstairs to see Mia talking to my mom in the kitchen.

"So, you met Harry?" my mom asked.

"Uh yeah, he was super nice. Really good show too." I said grabbing a water from the fridge.

"He was also flirting with her!" Mia yelled.

"He was not! He was just being nice!" I tried to defend.

Mia gave me a, 'are you serious look'. There's no way he was. I mean, i'm just a regular girl. He dated Kendall Jenner, so there's absolutely no way he's into me.

My mom let out a laugh, "Okay sweetie. Did Lanie have a heart attack?"

"Honestly she did better than I thought she would." I shrugged.

"Okay well we gotta go, we'll be back in a couple hours. Bye Sara!" Mia said hugging my mom.

"Bye mom." I waved as we walked out the door.

On the way to breakfast me and Mia just talked about random things and what happened last night.

We got to the little cafe we were eating at and sat down at a table in the back to avoid paparazzi. We don't see them often but when we do, they're very annoying.

We ordered and we're talking about Niall when Mia got a phone call.

"Hey it's my manager, i'll be right back sorry." She said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"No worries!"

When Mia walked away I decided to check my phone because I hadn't been on it since yesterday. I was checking Snapchat and my email when I saw I had a notification in my messages. Confused as to who texted me i clicked on it.

It was Harry.

He texted me?! Why would he text me? I thought he wanted me to text him?

Hey Isabella! It was really
good to meet you! Hope you
made it home safe! H.

What should I say? I realized I had been staring at the text for 5 minutes and I needed to respond.

Hey Harry! Sorry I
didn't get your message
till now. It was a pleasure
to meet you last night!
Great show!!

Without even thinking I hit send. Just as I put my phone back on the table Mia walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey sorry about that. There's a red carpet event on Saturday. Oh um speaking of which, would you want to go with me?" She asked.

Shocked I answered, "Uh, yeah! Of course! Where is it?"

"In L.A. but don't worry, I'll buy you a plane ticket and a dress. All you have to do is show up."

"You don't need to do that for me Mia."

"It's okay, really. I want you to go. You've never been to one before and it will be a lot of fun. Niall's going too." She said in a convincing voice.

I sighed, "Okay, Okay. I'll go. But let me at least pay for my hotel." I insisted.

"Hotel?" She questioned. "You're not staying in a hotel! I have a house out there! Oh my God! I forgot to tell you, me and Niall bought a house out there! And there's plenty of room so don't worry about it!"

"Wow Mia! That's great! Really!" I said happy for her to be living her dream.

"Thank you. Also, there will be a small get together after the event."

When Mia says 'small get together', she means party.

"Mia I don't know. I'm not famous like you so I would literally stick out like a sore thumb." I said wholeheartedly.

She sighed, "Isa come on! You've been to one of my get together s before. It will be fun! You had fun last time right?" She asked.

I sighed knowing she was right. I did have a lot of fun when she threw a party a couple years ago, "Yeah, I did."

"Okay, it's settled. You're coming!" She said slamming her hand down on the table.

The rest of the day was really fun. Me and Mia walked around New York, and shopped. We gossiped about people. She gave me the inside scoop on some A-list celebrities. We had a lot of fun catching up. Even though we hadn't seen each other in 2 years, we picked up like no time had passed at all.

When I got home it was nearly 7 pm. I was tired from walking all day so I just wanted to go to bed. I was scrolling on TikTok when I got a text. It was Harry.

Thank you! Do you think
we could see each other again?
I really liked talking to you.

Yeah fs! I really
liked talking to you
too:). I'm going to L.A.
for the next week and a half.
So I won't be back in NY for
a while:(.

Oh, well i'll be in L.A.
for the weekend and then
i'm staying for a month after

Uh, yeah maybe!
That would be great!
Why are you in
L.A. so long for?

I'm taking a
break from touring. Even
though I love it, it exhausts
me sometimes.

Yeah no I totally get it!
You deserve a break.

So, you said you
liked the show;) What
are your favorite songs
of mine?

Hmm, probably
Kiwi or Sweet Creature.
Well, actually Golden is
really good. Or To Be so Lonely.
Oh! and Canyon Moon!
Sorry. I guess I never realized
I liked your music THAT much lol.

Haha! Sweet Creature is
also one of my favorites.

I hadn't realized but I had been talking to harry for nearly 3 hours. We're actually way more alike then I thought we would be.

Well i'm gonna go to bed.
It was really nice talking
to you Harry!

Yeah, me too.
Talk tomorrow?
Goodnight Isabella;)

I turned my phone off and went to bed. I didn't realize, but I was smiling.

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