Today was the event. I was freaking out to say the least.

I was excited but also nervous at the same time. When it comes to social events, I get nervous. There's going to be a lot of famous people there. And what are people going to think when they see some random,
non-famous girl walking a red carpet?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mia came walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Isa." She said sitting next to me.

"Hi Mia."

"What's wrong? You look down?" She said sincerely.

I sigh, "Nothing. I'm just a little nervous that's all."

"Why? You've done one of these before?"

"Well you know how I get with things like this. I dunno, I guess i'm just over reacting. I'm fine, really." I smiled.

She gave me an unconvincing look, "Hmm, okay. Well we gotta head out soon. Event starts at 3 and we have to be at the studio at 12." She said standing up and walking to her room to get ready to go.

I walked up to my room and got dressed and grabbed all of my things to go.

Once we arrived at the studio we started getting ready right away. Me and Mia talked about random stuff and how excited we were.

I hadn't really talked to Harry much in the past 2 days. Which is understandable. I mean he just wanted my number for the modeling thing. Right?

I guess it kind of seemed more than that considering the fact that we have been texting non stop the past week.

"So, how do I look?" I asked turning to Mia. My hair was curled but in a loose bun that sat at the back of my head. I had on silver sparkly heels and a silver hand bag to top it off.

"Oo la la!" She said with emphasis.

We started busting out laughing and then called Lanie to show her our outfits.

"Hey Lanie!" I said as she answered the phone.

She gasped, "Isa you look so pretty!!"

"Aww Lanie don't make me cry I just got my makeup done!" I said fanning my face.

We talked for a little while longer then we had to leave.

As we were in the car, Mia was telling me about all of the people who were going to be here. Which only made me more nervous.

Niall was coming separate but him and Mia were going to meet up later. Mia was going to be with me some of the time but I was going to be alone for most of it.

We pulled up to the event and got out of the car. As soon as Mia stepped out, screams erupted from fans across the street. Mia have them a big smile and a quick wave before walking towards the carpet.

We took lots and lots of pictures. I was kind of just walking around aimlessly as Mia did interviews. I had a few conversations with some other people but for the most part I felt kind of awkward.

Niall finally arrived and came straight over to me and Mia.

"Wow, you look beautiful." He said hugging Mia.

"Yeah, not too bad yourself Niall." I said.

"You look good too Isabella." Niall said laughing.

We talked for a little bit and took more photos. I knew most of the people here because of previous events I had went to with Mia and because I was friends with her.

I had grown really close to Hailee Steinfeld. We had met at one of Mia's events and hit it off right away. Ever since then we've been really good friends.

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