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Another week an half went by. I was doing pretty good. Well, despite the fact that I was in love with someone who has a girlfriend. My first day at my new job was 4 days ago. And I already love it there. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly. I already made a new friend. Her name was Charlotte and she was a model.

It was Thursday and I was ready for the week to be over. This week has just been busy because I just joined the company. But, I have my first shoot tomorrow and i'm so excited.

I came home to Mia in the kitchen making food and listening to music. I went and sat on one of the bar stools at the island,

"Hey." I said picking up a grape and putting it in my mouth.

"Heyy. How was work?" She asked washing some vegetables.

I sigh, "It was alright. Just so much paperwork. I have my first shoot tomorrow so that's fun I guess." I say shrugging.

"It's just the first week. After this, you'll be on billboards and modeling for Vogue."

"Yeah, I wish." I laugh.

While Mia finished up dinner, I went into the living room to see what Niall and Harry were doing.

I sat down on the couch in the middle of Niall and Harry,

"Hey guys." I say sitting down with a huff.

"Hey Isa." Niall said eyes glued to the tv. They were watching some soccer game.

"Hey, how was your day?" Harry asked looking at me. It's like whenever I talked, he put all of his attention on me.

"Boring. Just signing a shit ton of papers." I roll my eyes.

"What?! That sounds like so much fun!" He says sarcastically.

I nudge him and hold back a smile. But when he starts laughing, I cant and I crack.

Dinner went by fine. We all talked a little bit. We mostly had our usual side conversations. I yelled at Harry because he once again was stealing food off of my plate. I swear he's a 12 year old trapped in a 26 year olds body.

After dinner I immediately went upstairs to get ready for bed. This week had me exhausted. I set my alarm and crawled in bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

My alarm started going off at 9 am. I turned it off and pulled myself out of bed. I got ready and dressed. I grabbed a quick breakfast and coffee and headed to the studio where my shoot was.

I had 3 different people working on me. One was doing my hair, and the other two were doing my makeup. Why I needed 2 people doing my makeup, I don't know.

I then changed into one of the multiple outfits I was modeling. Most of them were dresses because it was a shoot for a summer collection for a huge brand.

After the shoot was over, I was ready to go home and chill out by the pool. The shoot took about 4 hours so it was around 1 o'clock when I was done.

I picked up some food on the way back home. Once I got home, I upstairs and changed into a bathing suit.

I brought my phone and my food out by the pool and scrolled on Instagram while I ate. I decided to call Lanie and see what she was up to,

"Hi Lane!" I said cheerfully. It was really good to talk to her.

"Hi Isa!! What are you doing?" She asked, seeing I was outside.

"I just got back from a shoot, and nobody's home so I decided to come and sit by the pool." I said turning my camera around to show her the pool.

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