Life in School today.

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"Don't forget your lunch money honey" Shawn's mum said before placing some dollar bills into his pocket.
"Yeah mum. About my phone?"
"What did you say young man? You want what?" She stretched her ear.

"Oh nevermind" Shawn replied "Next weekend it is" He then proceeded to the dining table to have his breakfast.

After eating his breakfast Shawn proceeded get into the car.
His dad whose name was Nick Roland who was an entrepreneur drove him off and his younger sister stacy to school.

When he almost got out of the car. His dad said "Don't be blue about it. You should know your mum"
"It's alright dad. I'm cool with it" Shawn smiled.

"Stacy let's go!" He shouted as he opened the door for the car and opened the back door before bringing his little sister whose name was Stacy out.

"Bye Daddy" Stacy waved.
"Bye" Shawn then waved his hand at his dad.
"Goodbye kids"  Nick waved back as he turned the engine on and drove off.

Stacy was around 4 years old. Shawn carried her to her class before he went to his.

In Class
The mathematics teacher Mr Robert walked into the classroom.

"Good morning students" He greeted.
"Good morning sir" The students replied.

"Hope you all enjoyed your weekends. Now today we are going to be reviewing a new topic but before that I request to see everyone's homework" Robert got straight to business.

The students opened their bags while some had already done that and brought out their homeworks before placing it on their table's.

Mr Robert came to inspect their homeworks.

Of course, some didn't do their own and were told to see him in his office after the class.

The students all understood what that meant. It meant more homework for them or to the principal's office.

One of them in particular known as Richard Dawson who hated mathematics and could hardly be found doing his homework except from copying from others.

Unluckily for him, he came late and couldn't copy the homework in time. As his homework service provider was not in school today which was rare.

He was someone that Shawn typically avoided dealing with. He didn't want to have someone too lazy to do anything.

Although, he was an addict of games. He didn't like to leave his homework uncompleted and have teacher's issues the next day. The class ended with the bell being wrung and the students who didn't complete their homework following him to his office.

At that moment, everyone stood up from their seats and went to their gang before they began to discuss about the latest trends. They went on celebrities, sports, movies and on and on.

Shawn talking with his friends in a corner of the class were talking about games.

"Did you see the latest game called creator sim?" Charles was the first to speak.

"Yeah. What about you Shawn have you played it" said Harry.
"My mum took my phone away while I was just about to play so no I haven't.

"Come on. Your mum took your phone. Isn't that supposed to be during tests and exams because she knows that you wouldn't study" said Stephanie who happened to be Shawn's best friend and the only girl in the group.

"Yeah but I'm still trying to be a good boy to get it back" he said.
"Ish" Steph replied.
"Heyyy" said Shawn as they all started laughing.
Then the door to the classroom opened. All the students that had not done their own homework were entered the classroom one by one.

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