End of Confiscation.

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"Though the timer hasn't been reached yet, I think I should be leaving,"
"System I want to log out?"
[Are you sure?]
"Yes," he replied curtly.

[Logging creator out of world in 3…2…1]
This time Shawn was prepared for the log out and his vision became blank.

It didn't take him long before he awoke from his sleep with his arms stretching as he released a loud yawn "That was some energetic sleep. It seems I didn't spend that long playing the game,"

But when he looked at the time he was incredibly shocked, he was two hours early from his sleeping time.

"I should probably use this moment to read some stuff that I've been taught," he dragged his feet from the bed and turned on the switch before pulling the bag beside his bed and then opening it.

His laptop consisted of the research work he had been doing on his assignments and some notes that he managed to jot down if he wasn't using the physical one.

He opened the bag again and brought out three large notebooks with the words "Education is Key" pasted at the front cover.

These notebooks consisted of the subjects he had for Friday.

One was English, the other was Science and the last one was History.

He felt energetic and he was hoping that this wave would last long. He skimmed through the words of the topics he had been taught and decided to check the outline before reading further.

He enjoyed only two out of the three and struggled with the third but still managed to get good grades.

"I'll use the weekend to study for the midterms. I have to write out all my plans for Ornio and Yorn before proceeding to prepare for them,"

"And since my mother will return my phone by then but if i'm not careful she'll take it back and make sure that I won't use it,"

"This is a chance of self improvement and for me to prove myself," he said in a determined tone and slowly began to flip through the pages.

When he was almost done, the sound of his alarm immediately disturbed his focus.
"Time to get ready for the last day of school in the week!" he roared before charging at the door.

As he approached the door the pain became stronger and he cried "Mum!"

For the few hours that he had spent in school, he felt nothing else but exhaustion the moment he returned back home with his siblings and dropped flat on his bed. "Finally it is finished," he then heaved a sigh of relief, happy that he was finally going to be able to spend the rest of the days at home.

"Time to deal with those assignments first," he opened his laptop and started browsing.

When he was finished he closed it and then closed all his notebooks. He had been playing some online adventure games on his laptop and when he checked the time it was already 17:00 and school had closed since 14:00.

"But it feels like I'm missing something," he said. 
"Shouldn't you read first?"

It then hit him "Ahh. That's right"

He had no clue how long he had been with his notes when he heard a loud yell from downstairs "Dinner's ready,"

At the dining table, the entire family dined and not a sound was made. For some reason, it was quiet.

Emily looked at Shawn for a while before pulling out a phone and dropping it on the table.
Shawn's eyes widened when he saw the pouch.

He looked at his mum with a suspicious smile "My phone?"
"Yes sweetie. I've observed that your obsession with your devices has reduced and that nowadays you seem to be more focused and orderly.

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