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Sosra, the ninth moon lord's daughter, had blue eyes that glowed whenever she was in the darkness. Shawn was impressed by her features, especially the golden brown fur she had.
“Will it be possible to use her to change the fragile state of things here if I use that identity?”  he thought, unaware that he was still fixated on her until a paw passed through his phased body.

“Who are you?” Sosra demanded with a lowly growl.
It was here that Shawn knew he wasn't prepared at all for any of  this nor did he ask the system for information concerning how things were done, so he could only use his knowledge about the laws and what he had seen so far.
“I am a messenger of Tijiketiri,” he said while holding back a frown.
“The great mother has messengers?” Sosra looked at him, skeptical of him but he smiled at her question and replied “Of course, did they not tell you?”

Sosra looked at him, clearly there was still doubt in her mind. “Wouldn't the great mother prefer to send us a direct answer rather than a messenger who had to come into my dream?”
“Ahh, so she's a Lucid dreamer? Nice,” he thought.
“You are correct, however this matter is something that requires utmost urgency,”
Sosra’s glare quickly changed into one of puzzlement.
“I'm just a young feline of fourteen, what is it that I need to know that I can't hear from the priests,”

“Because there's a chance that you might be able to handle it when you become the next leader of your tribe,”
He continued “I know that you do not want your people to continue killing their fellow kin, the great massacre has long since passed. Do you not believe that there should be a change?”
Sosra frowned at his words, “ The great mother sent down the moon warriors from the skies to help us fight a war, to protect ourselves so that we could return to the once peaceful clan we were, the black mages of Alizit the snake, Drunken cats of Rolzit the gigantic cactus, Grey piercers of Tanit the stone deer and many more. As long as these sub-clans with divine power still exist our people will never have peace because they keep trying to harm us and massacre us,”

“Didn't the system say that she was easy to convince?” Shawn could feel sweat forming at every part of his body until he got an idea.
“Arre you so sure about that? Well then, allow me to show you something,” he said before placing a hand on Sosra’s shoulder and using another power.
“Since she's in a dreaming state, it's much easier to show her what her unconscious mind can handle,”

At that point, the environment of the white room where the duo were in changed to one of the desert. It was here that Sosra noticed a set of tents and camps made from fur. Grey furred cats walked about the desert floor looking gloomy.
However what made this scene even more grim was the work they were doing. Whips from brown felines struck against their backs with yells telling them to work faster.
They placed their hands into large rectangular enclosed spaces creating mud and boiling salt out of the water they got from natural sources while molding bricks and blocks which they pulled to be gathered.

“There are your people whom were fighting for a cause, now that you are no longer the defender you have now turned into the aggressor.”
“But…” She stammered.
“Yes they did it to you before the moon warriors arrived, your people are letting out the frustration of generations of pain.” He then lowered his back a bit “Now let me ask you a question. With the population of the children of the moon. Can you control this entire expansive desert, do you have enough force to deal with uprisings and overwhelm the majority should the situation call for it?”

The young Sosra could not provide an answer to his questions. Though she was young and smart, she still couldn't understand the reason.
“If it were to be massacre, will you have enough power even with the moonlord and his warriors to fight back a much larger invasion with the intent of wiping away your clan.
Your people were lucky not to engage in a grand war because the ones who fought those were the moon warriors from the skies,”
Sosra, kept mute trying to contemplate the matter carefully but failed to provide an answer or a retort to what she intended.

“If she's the easiest among her people to convince the rest are stone hardened ones,” Shawn nearly clicked his tongue out of frustration until he heard a sigh close to him.
“Truly truly, you are a messenger of the moon mother,” She said.
“However, I still need more time to come to a decision and a perfect counter to your answers,”
“She still feels that there's something amiss,” Shawn noted her words before he clapped his hands and the scenery changed back to the white room, he turned to her and answered with a smile “Very well then, you can take your time. I  will return to have another chat with you,”

Sosra nodded and with a snap of his fingers her eyes instantly opened as she found herself back in the palace.
The cold breeze that managed to bypass the fabric walls caused her to shiver a little but she later brushed it off and rose from her mat to sit on a stone block made to serve as a chair.
“Who was that anyways? Am I really sure that he is a messenger of Tijiketiri.”
Her eyebrows furrowed forming a frown on her head as she continued to wonder “He had skin like me instead of skin like the moon. Yet no messenger like him has been discovered in our oral history nor in our records.”

It was then that the light of the sun managed to enter her room, informing her that the time of thinking was up. She stood up and went to the small pool of water enclosed by stones watching her reflection as she took a small bristled comb with wooden ends and began to brush her fur while lightly purring.
Elsewhere in the palace, a feline male covered in a silk fabric patterned with motifs looked on the other felines in front of him.
All the felines present bowed and greeted the figure “Greetings Moonlord Aoi, may your reign over the lands be forever peaceful and glorious,”

Aoi remained on his block throne that wS covered with a black fabric which had stars of different shapes and a moon at the top where a silver coloured moon was looked at the officials and gave a light nod.
After having a light tug at his whiskers he addressed them, “Give me details concerning the tribe's territory, our army, the various slave quarters and their states.
“Yes,”  The feline officials bowed again.
The first to speak was a male who had his fur bristled, clearly indicating that he forgot to brush it making the other officials want to laugh.

“Your silverness, the situation is dire at the ho-ho-hook, previous lands belonging to the black-brown night cats of the desert owl ho-ho.”
Aoi did not care even a little about the officials appearance and just responded to the matter at hand with an emotionless tone of voice “What's the situation, an uprising or an attack?”
“No your highness, it's the appearance of monsters that are running rampant. Slithery serpentine creatures with fangs an red eyes spreading infections,”

Aoi clicked his tongue out annoyance “Tch, a green mage of Alizit is hiding. Those scums would attack anyone that lives under our domain just so that they can regain his prowess.”  Aoi rubbed his forehead “Are the creatures spread over the territory or all in a few spaces?”
“Only a few places noted however, we fear that there might be more places with them and infections which little is known of might spread further,”

“Then you know what to do.” Aoi said with a low voice and the official shivered, understanding the intent of the moonlord's words. “Either the people reveal the culprit or we do it how we are supposed to…”
“Yes,” The official bowed and left, allowing the next to come along.
“Your , there's an uprising in the southeast mesa region attackers using the terrain to ambush our warriors,”
“Then let them continue their ambushes, just withdraw our troops from their region and put it on lock down.”

Sosra who was approaching her father's chambers stopped in her tracks after hearing the reports and her father's judgement. However, there was one thing still lingering in her mind “What does he mean by we do it how we are supposed to…”
“I hope that it isn't what I think it is.” She said, before asking the guards to open the door, allowing her entrance into the chamber.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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