ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚 - 𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖

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All I could see was red and fire. Everything was burning down around me as I heard the screams of my dead parents.

My eyes popped open, everything was blurry and bright light blinded me as my eyes began to adjust.

I rubbed the tears causing the blurriness, away from eyes. I noticed that when I moved my arm something tugged it. I squinted in that direction and saw that I was hooked up to a heart monitor. 'I must be in hospital,' I thought. My vision cleared and my assumptions were confirmed when I saw that I was lying upon a hospital bed.

I looked around the room and felt the sting in my neck as I turned my head. My breath hitched as I recalled my dream and the events previously.

It dawned on me that I was alone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought to myself, 'I should've done something. I should've stopped the villain. I-'

I remembered how All Might stood and watched as my parents were murdered in font of him.

'He should've done something,' I thought bitterly. 'All Might could've saved them but he just stood there. He is to blame for their deaths.'

"I'll kill him," I whispered softly.

I was startled out of my brooding when a nurse stuck his head through the door. "Perfect you're awake," he said.

I quickly brushed the tears away, I had no need for them. My sadness had been replaced by a lust for revenge. I looked up and examined his appearance, trying to determine whether he could be trusted. He had dark hair that was styled messily, if at all. He was quite tall, and had an athletic physique. He had a welcoming expression on his face that made me feel slightly at ease.

"Hello there, my name is Alex, I am your nurse," he began, "Could I ask you some questions?"

I hesitantly nodded my head.

"Okay, first could you tell me your name?" he asked.

"I-I'm Y/n L/n," I replied. He jotted that down on the clip board and paper that I just realised he had with him.

"What a nice name," he complimented, "And what age are you?"

I am nine, but my birthday is in two months," I said.

"Wonderful, and could you tell me a little about your quirk Y/n?"

"My quirk is called Water bending, you can probably tell what it does just from the name. I can manipulate water."

(There will be more information on Y/n's quirk later)

"That sounds like a strong quirk," said Alex.

"Well, right now I'm not really that good a using it, but I swear that I'll get stronger," I declared, a shadow falling over my eyes.

"I'm sure you will, you could be a hero just like All Might," he said, oblivious to my sudden darkening of moods at the mentioning of the hero. "We were told about what happened by All Might. You were very lucky that he was there to save you. Unfortunately you have a second degree burn on the back of the neck that you obtained from the villain who attacked you; if it isn't properly treated it will leave a nasty scar, All Might must have seen it and applied ice to it, he helped a lot," Alex informed me gently.

"All Might said he saved me?" I growled. How dare he claim to have saved me?

"Yes, I bet you are really excited about that. I am really sorry he was to late to save your parents. But don't worry, the hospital has made arrangements to have a nice family take you in and take care of you," said Alex, trying his best to shine light on this horrible situation and reassure me that everything would be fine.

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