ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟚 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣

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Yoshi-san's POV

I took steps back up the stairs as the water chased my feet, the concern for Y/n's safety kept me at a slow pace.

I was so very tempted to wade back into that room and tackle Kappa. That would give her time to run to safety. I know we all agreed that if there was an opening she could try capturing him but that was before he pulled a gun on her. She does have a point, he doesn't have any more bullets but what if he has another gun? Maybe Matsui didn't see it. Kappa could have different weapons she didn't mention.

"Where are you, lukewarm fucker?" I heard her shout.

I began to turn around, my worry was eating into every thought I was having. My palms were sweaty. An uneasy feeling was growing in my stomach. I wanted to step in and help her.

Then the doubt began to dissipate and I started to think straight.

If I went down into the rising water, I would be slowed down to the point of being a burden on Y/n. She is in an environment that she can control. Iris would have said something if he had anything remotely dangerous. She wouldn't risk the safety of a child under our care.

I trust that Tsunami can handle the situation. And if she can't, she'll leave.

I climbed the second half of the stairs meeting Iris and Pasu in the front room.

"I can't believe I had to calm you down when that girl was down there with Kappa but not when you knew that we were tied up, basically defenceless, with him. You've known her for what? A day? And you already care about her more than us?" rambled Pasu as he paced around the dusty room tracing a circle of wet footprints on the floor. "Oh but he managed to sneak up on us and tie us down, who am I kidding, maybe you should be worried, he's in water. She's like a pigeon going up against a falcon!" he took a higher, more concerned tone.

"Hush, she's doing well," reassured Iris. She was looking at the centre of the footstep-circle with a misty look in her eye that you wouldn't notice unless you were searching for it. "She almost got a punch in, he liquefied though. But she looks like she's concentrating on something, it looks like the water's up to her belly but that shouldn't be a problem based on what I've seen, right?"

"Yeah, Tsunami will be alright, it sounds like she's trying to sense him in the water, and thanks for calming me down Pasu. I needed that," I said. "Nothing can really go off the plan from here, as long as she doesn't get hurt, even if Kappa escapes."

Something crashed through the ceiling, using the circle as a bullseye, passing through roughly. 

I unintentionally breathed in the dust and started hacking up my lungs along with Pasu as Iris was rubbing her eyes viciously. 


 I was used to the muscular, blue-black bird with eyes sticking out of the sides of its head as a Nomu. Not this sickly green, eyeless, (still jacked) thing in front of me.

How I identified it as a Nomu? The brain sticking out of its head that matched the bird's. The brain clearly did not function because it thought it could take me on. It did not factor in the fact that I was furious that it caused me to lose my grip on Kappa. 

"You wanna apologise for making me lose Kappa? Or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" I threatened. 

The Nomu said nothing but it started to slog towards me. It didn't make it far before I reached out with my hands, resting my hands on the surface of the water which was as at chest level for me, tummy level for Nomu. Tendrils shot out of the water, grabbing its arms. He was weaker than OG Nomu so it the tendrils seemed to be enough to hold him steady with only a little bit of strain. I'll freeze him in the pool so he doesn't hurt anyone.

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