Chapter Seven

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Leah drives me home about two hours after my talk with Jake. Her sister had came and picked us up from Tyler's and Leah decided she needed to rejuvenate before she could drive me home. So even though I'd been at Leah's house since noon, we had just now got around to leaving.

I'm supposed to be ready by six so I have about five hours to get ready for Jake and I's date. I start mentally preparing myself for the date, but currently I was most worried about one thing: my parents.

They had texted me at about ten last night to say goodnight. Then again this morning at eight asking when I'd get home. Then yet again at nine. Considering I didn't get up until ten, they'd had plenty of time to send me furious texts after that questioning what I was doing. I had called them when we left Tyler's house, which was before noon. I had already faced the wrath on that phone call, but it would be nothing compared to what I am about to face.

Even though I'm not too thrilled to be lectured, I am relieved to be home. It feels like I have been gone for a week, not a single night. Seeing my plain house on our street with the bright flowers out front brings a smile to my face.

I jump out of the car after giving Leah a huge thank you and make my way up to my doom. I don't even make it to the porch to open the door for myself.

Our front door flies open and my mother stands there looking livid. Behind her I see my dad for back-up.

Just great.

• • • • •

I stand in front of the mirror, turning from side to side to check myself out. I am dressed in white jeans with one of my nicer blouses. It's royal blue with three quarter length sleeves. I also have a complimenting necklace and pair of shoes, both which are a nude color. I had had a major debate over what I should wear. Jake had told me we were going out to his favorite restaurant, but didn't clarify how nice it was. I knew I didn't want to show up in yoga, yet I thought a dress would be a little too fancy.

My parents had yelled at me for a good ten minutes and then gave me a guilt trip for the next twenty. They weren't thrilled when I told them of my plans to go out again tonight, but eventually they allowed it. They did say I couldn't have any more sleep overs any time soon. Too bad my last sleepover was spent in a hangover at an almost-stranger's house.

I don't tell them that I am going on a date. It is unnecessary information for the time being. I don't even want to think of it as a date myself. Even though I am already nervous and flustered. I realize that it is a real date, considering there were some real sparks between us, but for now in my mind I classify it as hanging out.

It's about 5:45 now and I am dreading having to wait another fifteen minutes- especially with how nervous I already am about it.

That was when I realized my biggest flaw.

I had never given him my address. I can't believe how stupid I am! I think as I cuss myself out. We hadn't even exchanged phone numbers.

He's probably laughing at me right now about how much of an idiot I am for not telling him where I live. I think about changing out of my outfit to spend the night in when I heard the doorbell from downstairs. I am out of my room and flying down the stairs in no time.

He came! I can't believe he had still found me. I let out a shaky breath of relief. My body feels like a magnet and running towards my attraction.

When I reach the door I quickly try to calm down my straight hair, then whip the door open, praying it is Jake and not my parent's pizza delivery guy.

It is Jake alright. He stands on the porch with a bundle of flowers in his hands. He wears a plaid shirt with tan shorts and he looks amazing. His eyes look bright and share the excitement in mine. He radiates with a big smile on his face.

"You look beautiful, Jen." He tells me. I have to remind myself to inhale.

"You do too." I say before I can stop myself. I immediately blush and look to the ground. My eyes don't even make it to the porch floor before his finger shoots out to lift my chin back up. My chin tingles from his finger and his eyes make my heart swell.

"You're early!" I state, trying to make conversation. "And how did you know where I lived?"

He smirks and shakes his head, "I'll get back to you on the address. As for the time, I wanted to introduce myself to your parents." He goes to take a step forward into my house and I quickly step in front of him onto the front porch, closing the door behind me.

"No, you definitely do not need to do that." I say quickly. I don't need my parents nailing me about going on a date.

"Jen, I insist." He politely objects. Then he reaches around me and rings the doorbell. I internally panic and groan. I turn around to go back inside before they come to the door, but the door had locked me out.

So I sit here and wait for my parents to open the door and catch me in my lie. To make matters worse, my dad is the one who answers.

He looks at me surprised, then sizes up Jake. He raises his eyebrows and cocks his head to the side. I open my mouth to explain, but Jake beats me to it.

"Good Evening sir, my name is Jake. I hope you don't mind me borrowing Jen for the night?" He says it in a very professional way. The "sir" and him asking to "borrow me for the evening" makes me question why he even bothers kissing my dad's ass.

My dad looks in awe in the doorframe. I don't think he was expecting this at all. The poor guy only wanted his pizza.

Eventually something in him snaps and he turns into Mr. Don't Hurt My Daughter.

"I wasn't aware she had a date," he states and I regret asking Jake to pick me up at all. Driving myself sounded more and more appealing in the moment. However, my dad choses the one time in his whole life to play cool. "but I do hope you'll take care of her." He finishes, making sure to add his firm dad voice.

"Of course sir." Jake agrees, letting out a sigh of relief. I guess he's a little bit nervous after all.

"Have her home by eleven, Jake." He says, hesitating before his name because I knew he had to debate whether or not he got his name right. I give him an encouraging smile as Jake replies with "no problem".

We make our way to his car, which was a newer Jeep model. I don't know what model but it do appreciate it's new smell and shiny tint.

"Nice car." I tell him as he opens my door for me.

"Thanks," he responds before walking over to his side of the car. Once he gets in he continues, "I guess you could say I borrow it from work."

I nod and it gets silent for awhile. I wouldn't say it is a comfortable silence, but it also isn't too uncomfortable either.

"So tell me about yourself." I start, breaking the growing quietness between us. He hesitates before he replies.

"How about I ask about you first."

"Sure." I give him a smile, while shrugging my shoulders to show I that was okay.

"Favorite color?" He starts. And the grilling begins.


Another filler chapter. Don't worry, the next one includes a hot date.

Chapter Notes:

•Jake acts in a very gentleman- way as he talked to Jen's father (almost like he was trying to impress...)

•Jake's car is from his so called "work" (not too important but something to keep in mind).

•Jake knew where Jen lives without being given any directions.



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