Chapter Fifteen

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The dining room is well lit and classy. The walls are a light, dim green and only have a few picture frames hanging on them. Even without the extensive decorations, the room still looks extravagant, mostly because of the grand dining room table that sits in the middle of the room.

The table is filled with dishes; each piled high with food. Tyler sits at the head of the table, which I find slightly odd. At my house my dad sits at the head of the table. Here, Jake's dad is seated at his right hand side and his mom on Tyler's left. At the movement of us walking into the room, all three of them look up to us.

My anxiety level doubles when I feel their eyes land on me. My palms start to sweat and I feel like my heart picka up its pace in my chest.

With his arm wrapped around my waist, he pulls me farther into him. "Mom, Dad, and Tyler, this is Jen, my mate."

His mom stands up before his dad does and they make their way towards me. Jake gives me a reassuring squeeze.

His dad takes my hand and shakes it. "Hello Jen, my name is David. I'm so glad Jake had finally found you." He sounds so sincere that I almost forget how nervous I am.

After he steps back, his mother steps forward. She dodges my outstretched hand and pulls me into a hug. "I've always wanted a daughter!" She squeals. I blush at her words. "My name is Melissa, by the way."

"Okay Mom, try not to strangle her." Jake says with a chuckle.

Jake looks at Tyler expectantly and he slowly stands up from where he is sitting. He only says a few cold words.

"We need to go over this situation."

Jake snaps his head up to glare at Tyler. He tries to take a step forward but I hold his hand and refuse to let him leave me.

"There is nothing to go over." Jake growls. "The situation is under control."

Tyler shakes his head and continues his stare off with Jake. I shift on my feet from side to side. I'm not sure what situation Tyler is talking about, but I remind myself to ask Jake later. They are still in a staring competition when Jake's mom speaks up.

"Jacob, your girl looks like a deer caught in headlights." She doesn't say it unkindly but my cheeks slowly form a blush.

Jake snaps his eyes to mine. I look away from Tyler to meet Jake's eyes, but not before seeing Tyler smirk.

I didn't realize that I had been holding my breathe. I take a deep breath since I am starting to feel the effects of it in my head. I felt slightly dizzy.

Don't pass out, Jen. Don't pass out. I keep repeating in my head. I grab Jake's hand that he placed right in front of me and allow him to hold my face.

His dad clears his throat. "Why don't you join us for dinner?" He asks. By the look on Tyler's face, I am praying Jake turns down his offer and I am relieved when he does.

"No thanks. In fact, I was just about to show Jen around the pack house and then......" His voice trails off and his eyes go blank. I gently shake his arm until he snaps his head forward and once again glares at Tyler. "Actually, we're leaving. Now. Nice seeing you, mom and dad.....Tyler."

His parents step forward and cheerfully reluctantly say their goodbyes, saying how glad they are to have met me. Tyler simply sits down and continues eating without a goodbye.

Jake pulls me out of the room and hurriedly walks me toward the door we had just entered through.

"Did I do something to-" I try to ask but he cuts my off.

"We'll talk in the car." He firmly states.

I shut my mouth and hand my head. Great, now I've ticked Jake off too.

Once out of the front door, which Jake slammed shut might I add, we get into his Jeep. He starts it and flies out of the driveway like we are in some sort of a car chase.

"Jake?" I ask, weakly.

"What?" He snaps at me. I shrink back into my chair by the tone of his voice.

"I'm sorry." I quietly say.

He grimaces and his face immediately softens. "Don't be sorry, I should be apologizing to you. I knew Tyler would be an ass about this whole thing." Jake says, sounding shameful. "I asked my parents about sitting down to dinner with us tonight, but of course when Tyler comes home they need to bow down to his feet."

"So is it me?" I ask. "Am I the one Tyler was talking about, am I the situation?" I mentally panic as the words leave my own mouth. What have I done? Is whatever I did going to mess up Jake's life?

My heart feels a pang of hurt when I come to the conclusion that I could be making Jake's life worse.

"No, please don't freak out," he soothes, probably sensing my anxiety through the mate bond. "it really isn't you, it's us."

Oh great, I thought, here comes the it's not you it's me speech.

"What's wrong with us?" I question.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. We come up on a stop light and Jake turns his body towards me.

"Remember when I told you that there had only been one other wolf to mate with a human?" He asks, and I recall the day after our first date.

"Yeah, that was when you lied to me." I accuse.

He looks at me confused. "I did. How did you know?"

I giggle to show him I'm not mad at him about it. "I just know everything." I joke.

He smiles and grabs my hand across the console.

"Well, I did lie, I told you that it wasn't a big deal, that there weren't a lot of details on it." He pauses before continuing. "That was a lie. It is a big deal. It's a huge deal and almost every werewolf could tell you all the details."

"So what happened?" I worry about where he is going with this. I mean something bad must have happened right? Otherwise he wouldn't have of lied.

He opens his mouth, but then stops and close it again. Finally, he gets the courage to speak up.

"A war."


Sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the last, but I'm glad I updated before the weekend like I promised!

The story should start picking up soon! I feel like I've said that in every chapter but hopefully, as you should be able to tell by this cliffhanger^^, Jen will start knowing more and more about the werewolf world and this so called war from the past.





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