Chapter TwentyNine

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After eating a surprisingly pleasant meal with Jake and his parents, we returned to the living room to watch tv and snuggle.

Half way through the episode of Modern Family that we were watching, Anna entered the room. I didn't have supernatural senses like Jake, but even from afar I could smell the alcohol. When she came closer I realized her whole body was sweaty and she looked to have been bawling her eyes out.

With out a word, I got up and went to her, knowing what she had just done but still wrapping my arms around her skinny figure.

"What did I do?!" She gasped out clutching onto me like a lifeline. Then she continued to sob into my now wet blouse.

"I'm gonna take her upstairs." I tell Jake, trying to maneuver her body towards the staircase.

"I got it." He tells me approaching her. Before he got near though, he stopped. I looked at him confused. He held up a finger for me to wait before his eyes got glassy.

When his eyes returned to their usual color, he still hadn't done anything. I made a move towards the stairs again, before Jake cut me off.

"Just wait a sec." He tells me. Usually, being the youngest with three older brothers, I like to do things by myself. Anna's tiny little figure was already getting a little too heavy though as I supported her, waiting for something.

After Jake finally saw my struggle he took a step forward and lead Anna out of my arms and to the wall. He slowly set her down while she mumbled some gibberish about professional golfers.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Well I can't really hold her, because she's Tyler's mate, but I can't let you hold her, because you're my mate." I smile at him as he approaches me. He lean's his head down towards mine before we hear a growl from the other side of the room.

Tyler is in front of Anna in a second, helping her up with a concerned look over his face.

"What did you do to her?" He asks saltily towards me and Jake.

I realized that in my own home, being asked this by my brothers, I may have said something sassy back. Realizing that Tyler was sort of a big deal here though, I tried to keep my tongue in check.

"She drove here like this?!" He roars at us.

After a few second's delay, she responds with a puppy dog voice.

"Help me, I'm poor." She mumbles, and I think of the part in Bridesmaids that we had just watched a few nights ago. Watched together, with Jace.

Tyler scoops her up, supporting her back and below her knees, bridal style. After a low groan escapes he mouth she clutches onto his shirt.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"For what?" Tyler asks her in a low voice. By now he has started to climb the staircase. She responded to his questions by throwing up onto his clothes.

I almost want to laugh at the irony. If we were at a party and some random guy threw up on him, that guy would suffer from severe facial damage.

Jake mumbled something about taking a shower and I followed him upstairs. I knew I was safer in this house than at home but I still didn't want to be downstairs all alone.

He had established that we would share a room, which I was okay with. As he showered, I worked on taking my stuff out of my suitcases and putting them on my side of the dresser.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and Jake shouted for me to get it. I opened the door and Tyler stood there rocking back and forth on his heels.

"SheLockedMeOutOfMyRoomAndKeepsAskingForYou." He mumbles in one very quick sentence.

"What?" I ask nervously confused.

"She want's you. Not me. And she won't let me in." Tyler frustratedly growls.

He then turns on his heal than and walks down the hall. I scurry after him, attempting to catch up to his quick tempo.

We reach a door that Tyler knocks on. After a few seconds it sounds like she ran into the door.

"Who is it?" She asked in a giggle voice. Tyler looked mildly frustrated and concerned as he leaned towards the door.

"Jen is here, do you want to let us in?"

The door suddenly flies open and an arm reaches out and grabs me, yanking me in. Anna quickly shuts the door behind me, successfully locking it again.

"Score!" She squeals, laughing uncontrollably as Tyler knocks on the door again. "Olay! Olay olay olay!" She sings while jumping up and down.

She pauses when she looks at me, and as if she realizes who I represent, her face falls. I watch as her shoulders slump and her eyes fill up with yet more tears.

"I told him I cheated on him." She wails, jumping onto me like a koala bear.

I stumble backwards, thankful the bed was close behind me as she lays next to me.

"He did nothing wrong and I still love him and I would have just stayed with him but I have a mate and a mate is like a king to a prince even though your brother treated me like a queen and even though I know Tyler will too I-" she pauses to dramatically breathe in before firing away again. "wish I had never driven you over here today because then I'd still be with Jace." She wails after she says he name.

I feel sad for her, being in what predicament she's in. I want to tell her to go back to Jace. I want to tell her that Jace is better, but I don't. I don't tell her my brother will make her happier, and I feel like a traitor because of it.

"I met Jake in a department store, and not even a month later I'm sleeping in the same bed as him. I'm also human, which apparently is almost unheard of..... But either way, I know that what me and Jake have is right, and not just because some soul bond thing ties us together. I think you should give him a chance." I advise, when she has calmed down to hiccuping.



A little while later when she falls asleep I tip toe to the door and unlock it. Tyler is pacing back and forth in front of it and Jake sits across the hall, waiting.

Immediately Tyler rushes past me and towards his drunken mate. I turn to Jake as he hoists himself up and I throw my arms around his neck.

"Helping drunk people is hard." I whine.

He chuckles and kisses we as he picks me up and leads us to his, now our, room. Before he can even place me on the bed my phone laying on my bed side table rings. I debate ignoring it before gently pushing Jake off and crawling to it.

"Hello?" I answer, keeping my voice as normal as possible.

"Jen!" Leah sobbed through the phone. "Tyler broke up with me because he said he was cheating!"

I leaned against the headboard as I crossed my legs and listened.

Oh here we go again.


Okay so a real short chapter for you guys, I'm really close to 1,000 reads and am hoping this update will push me over.

I had a really crappy day today, but then at my cross country practice our coach got us pizza which made me just a little bit happier to update:)


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