Chapter ThirtySix

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Anna had become my hero. She agreed with me when it cane to how possessive Jake was, and ordered him to loosen up. He still followed me around like a dog, pun intended, but at least I wasn't trapped in my room.

Currently Anna and I were sitting in the tv room and watching some cheesy Hallmark movie. It'd only been a day since I'd talked to my mom on the phone and it was relieving to know I had bought myself some time. I only prayed my parents didn't become suspicious. I hoped they wouldn't ask to see pictures or wonder about how much of a blast I was having. I hated lying to my parents, and I knew I'd have to come clean after this was all over.

Speaking of all this, not much had happened since the letter. Supposedly guards were doubled and the occasional scent of the blood suckers was found, but otherwise we were left undisturbed. It had also only been a week though and it seemed as though everyone was prepared for the worst.

"You know I can't wait when this is over so we can actually do sister things, you know?" Anna asks me breaking me out of my train of thought. I smiled at her comment about sisters. I was also very excited that me and Anna were now connected, since both out mates are brothers. I'd always wanted a sister.

"Plus we need to plan for two weddings sooner than later!" I add with a small giggle, forgetting about lies and vampires.

Shortly after I told Anna that Jake and I had already been "married", a.k.a wrote vows to each other, she had a hissy fit that she wasn't there. She insisted I should have a big wedding with a huge dress with everyone there. Then she preceded to tell me how her and Tyler agreed to be married too.

Although we disagreed on a double wedding, we decided we'd definitely start planning. Anna insisted mine be first, since I was already married.

"Yes! I've already found this little dress shop in Chicago that we have to try! I've also been stalking Pinterest for venue themes and picture ideas!" We squeal together like two teenage girls before we were interrupted by the doorbell.

Jake and Tyler were in the room immediately before the doorbell had even stopped ringing.

"Relax, it's probably the pizza delivery guy." Anna mumbles, attempting to make her way forward. Tyler growled at her to stay, which she had to obey, then answered the door himself, posed as if ready for a fight.

Sure enough, it was the delivery guy, looking bored yet perking up in interest due to all of our tense stances.

"That'll be twenty three exactly sir." He says to Tyler, holding out our two pizzas. I suppress a chuckle when Tyler is called sir, but figure he felt the powerful aura that followed Tyler around.

The pizza is brought to the kitchen and set on the table. We get out paper plates, not wanting to fill the dishwasher, as well as a few liters of soda.

With everyone's hands doing one thing or another, I was the first one to open the box. My arm seemed to freeze, holding the lid open when I saw what was inside.

"Did they forget the pepperoni?" I faintly hear Anna joke from the other side of the table. Tyler looks up from opening the pop bottle, then as I raise my eyes I look around to meet Jake's.

"What is it?" He asks, hurrying to my side when he sees there is something wrong.

It takes him a second to read the words before he lets out a weird growl, almost like a screech. He slammed me against his chest, with a lot of force, making me sure I'd be sore with bruises.

"What is it?" Is asked again, this time from Tyler.

Jake reaches out to the box and turns it around to face Tyler. His face remains expressionless as he reads it.

"The northeast point of the border, we'll be waiting for you." He reads aloud,
Lifting up the greasy note. "Bring the human," he adds which causes Anna to gasp.

My visions blurs as all three people start talking at once, omit me of course. To them, they're concerned about me. Me, well as I slip out of consciousness all I hope is that I'm out for a while.


Very short chapter, but the last couple have been decent:)

As you may have noticed, I went on a following spree in hopes of getting more reads, so hopefully you are a new follower reading this! If not, I'd love that your reading it anyway.

I'd say I'm maybe 2/3 of the way done with this book. From here on out the speed of this book is going to be really fast and chapters will jump through time like crazy. Stick with me though, I promise this is going somewhere:)

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