Chapter Fifty

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My father stared at Jake as we sat across from my parents in the living room. My brothers had long since left the house and we had just finished telling them why I had disappeared.

"You could have....... you could have told us that...... that she had been with you." My dad says to Jake. "We were so worried and you just knew....."

Jake's jaw clenched and I squeezed his hand. I knew he wanted to tell them that this wasn't the actual case.

"Mom, Dad, I promise you I was perfectly fine before the car accident." I lie. "And I told Jake not to anyone before I left, plus it's not like he knew where I was anyway."

"Jen you can't just-" My dad starts.

"Stop. Honey she's safe now, that's all that matters." My mom inturupts. My dad holds his tonuge and takes a deep breath.

"Jen?" My mom asks making me turn my attention to her again. "How did you pay for it? The medical bills?"

I bite my lip and turn towards Jake.

"Is this where you beg us for forgiveness and a huge load of money?" Me dad asks.

"No....." I tell him. "Actually, Jake payed for all of it."

My parents look at eachother and my dad sucks in a breath. "So you decided you would go back to him because you loved eachother," I could hear the annoyance in his voice. "But how come Jake was contacted after you were in the car crash and not us?"

"My uncle worked at the hospital Jen was transported to." Jake speaks up.

"And you didn't contact us then?" My dad asks exasperated.

"I begged him not to." I quickly say. "There was no reason for you guy's to worry."

"No reason? Jen did you not realize we had lost our minds after you called us and fed us some lie about you going to a soccer camp? Or when you didn't call us for over a month and we assumed you were dead. A call saying that you were in a hospital, although apparently beat up and injured, would have been a godsend. We didn't believe it was you when you first called us a few days ago. We thought it was a phony call and didn't want to get our hopes up. After all that time you could have been kidnapped, beaten, raped-"

"Stop." Jake shouts, his voice so full of authority that my dad does. "Please." He begs afterward. I tense up and wait for my father's reaction.

I'm sorry Jen. I can't hear those things said about you. I know you were kidnapped and you were beat but thinking about that last thing happening......

I squeezed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder. Its okay. I tell him.

His face turns to me amazed.

Jen you just talked to me in our-

"So here is what I think." My dad starts up again. "I think both you guys aren't telling us a lot of the story, if any of it. I think you feeding us this bullshit lie to keep in the truth. I want to know what happened and I want to know it now."

I don't say a word and neither does Jake. I know I should, even if I lie and defend that my fake story was true.

"Jennifer?" My mom's quiet voice asks. "It's okay if you don't want to tell us now."


"No." My mom doesn't let my dad get a say, yet reaches over and grabs his hand. "Why don't we just take a few days to think about it. Calm down, and rethink it another day."

My dad doesn't sound like he agrees with this but keeps his mouth shut.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I say. "Jake and I should be going anyways."

Jake stands up and carefully helps me up with him.

"What are you talking about?" My dad asks in a panic, him and my mom also jumping up.

I recognized their panic immediately and realized I'd never even thought of what to do after this point.

"I decided I'm going to move in with Jake..... " I quietly tell them.


"Mom, Dad, I know this doesn't make any sense but I need Jake. I need to be by him. I love him and we're gonna get married some day and have kids together some day."

"You're pregnant?" My mother asks disgusted. "You know what we think about pre-marital sex Jen."

"No." I say a little too quickly. "I'm not but I may be one day with Jake's kids." My heart squeezes a little bit in my chest thinking about how my parents could possible resent my little Duncan. I decided right then and there I wouldn't tell any one about him. Ever.

"This is unexceptable. Jen you are not leaving this house and I'm ordering a restraining order on him." I felt panic enter Jake's body but I stood my ground.

"You will do no such thing." I demmand. Silence rings through the air and my parents looked shock. I was not usually the type of person to fight my parents, let alone tell them what to do.

"As a minor it is not your decision. He is a legal adult and you are still seventeen therefore-"

"I will be gone!" I interupt again. "I may only be seventeen now, but if you do this, if you order a restraining order, then as soon as I do turn eighteen I'll be gone. You will never see me again let alone talk to me or know if I'm safe."

My mom gasps horrified. And the vein in my dad's neck tells him how angry he is.

"Also, I'm not planning to attend my senior year at school this year." My parents stood there in shock as I turned towards Jake. "Are you ready to go now?"


He wraps his arm around my waist and we head to the car. Once buckled, we drive off, leaving my parents- my old life, behind.


So I'm pretty sure this is the last official chapter. I will have an epiloge, but as for now, this is it.

Thank you all who have read it, and stuck with me through it. I know this update took so long and you probably aren't that obsessed with my poor writing style, but every read I recieve on this book is not unimportant.

Please still UPDATE and VOTE. Also SHARE this book in any ways you can, especially if you enjoyed it.

Thank you again, 
xoxox - author

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