Chapter Thirteen

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My phone buzzes from where it rests on my lap and I quickly pick it up. After sliding my phone open I see a text from Jake.

See you at six then;) he responds to my previous text.

It's Monday and I am sitting in my third hour class. I have been texting Jake all day and have made plans to see him tonight, since I don't think I can wait much longer anyways.

After our conversation yesterday, Jake stayed at my house the whole rest of the day, leaving before I ate dinner. My parents are true believers in family dinners and although I'm sure they would have welcomed Jake to dinner, I wasn't ready for that. Therefore, I snuck him out before they called me down.

This morning I felt the same symptoms I have been feeling the past week, but they weren't as bad as previous days. It's like my body finally understood where the symptoms were coming from and decided to go easy on me.

So let's just say I am way too excited already.

I imagine Jake and where we will go tonight. I imagine his lips on mine and his hands in my hair, leaving those welcoming tingles on my skin...

"Jennifer, number twenty seven, please." My monotone and always grumpy teacher breaks me from my thoughts with his question.

"What?" I ask frantically flipping through my notes.

"Since some people, like Jennifer, don't think this class is important enough to pay attention to, I will remind you all that we are looking at the questions at the end of chapter three." She glares at me.

I frantically flip through my book until I find the page and then quickly scan through the questions. "False," I rush out when I find it, "the answer is false."

My heart sinks as I see her smirk grow. I instantly know I am wrong and that she's not just going to let me off the hook. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I look back down at my desk. "If you actually paid attention at the beginning of my lesson you would know that the answer is actually true." She pointedly say as the class watches intensely. "So now, tell me why it's in fact true and not false."

My anger rises with each passing second as I wish she would just stop harassing me. I flip back a few pages and glance through the chapter, frantically looking for a response. "Ummm.." I draw out. "Maybe because-" I don't finish my sentence before the bell rings. Everyone gets up and I do too, collecting my things.

"I want the answer to my question on a sheet of paper by next class, Jennifer." I roll my eyes once she turns away and book it out of there as fast as I can.

In the main hallway I make my way to lunch frustrated at my stupid teacher. Jake pops into my head and all of the sudden my mood gets better. It's like my mind has a fuzzy tint around it full of thoughts of everything Jake. Jake and me. Jake as a werewolf. Jake making out with me. It's hard to concentrate with this haze I'm in, but I know I won't get through my day without it.

Physically, yesterday was the best day of my life. The contact I had with Jake made me feel energized and alive. By the time he left I was flying down the stairs and had an extra skip in my step. My parents gave me a weird look for my exuberance. I could barely fall asleep when I got in bed but all of it was worth it.

I am interrupted in my thoughts by a yank that sends me falling backwards. I don't get very far before I am pushed back up to standing and Riley appears next to me.

"You have some serious explaining to do, Ifer!" She says- very loudly I might add.

"Do you really have to do that every time?" I ask her readjusting my backpack. "And what is it that I need to explain?"

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