Chapter TwentyFive

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Getting out of the parking lot took way longer than it needed to. Some people seriously can't drive cars.

It was even worse since we were heading in town, towards the bakery. The traffic there seemed to get even worse as we neared main street. It took Jake a good five minutes just to find a spot and park.

Compared to the craziness outside, the inside of the bakery was very peaceful. The baker recognized me immediately and was all ready to hand my order over. I took it from him, thanking him in the process, but was somewhat disappointed. I hoped Jake and I could wait in the shop for a while to avoid having a reason to go home.

We went out to the car anyways and had a way easier time getting out than we had getting in. It seemed like just by the five minutes we were inside had calmed the crazy drivers.

On our way to my house I felt Jake's hand reach across the console and grab mine. I wasn't ashamed of the smile that came to my face after that.

"What did you think of the ceremony?" Jake asks me quietly. Normally, if someone like Justin asked me this I'd nag him about not speaking louder. Jake's voice however was so calming.

"It was okay. I thought it was long, but all of them are long. I mean Jeremy's class was smaller than mine, so my class's is probably gonna take way longer than his."

"Yeah it probably will." He says, but his voice seems......weird, and off.

"Well I guess we'll see, right? We'll see next year when I graduate?" I tried to speak with my sassy tone, since we would see.

"Maybe this isn't the best time to bring this up."

"Bring what up?" I wonder aloud with my teeth clench.

"Well you see, most werewolves, and always the mated ones, will drop out when they are sixteen or when they find their mate." Jake says carefully.

"So?" I didn't get his point. "I'm not a werewolf." I say to obviously point out.

"Yes but you're a werewolve's mate." He says carefully.

I laugh at him an shake my head. "Oh Jake! I know you told me teenage werewolves can go through a rough time when they shift but I obviously won't have that problem."

Jake shook his head and dropped the subject but I picked it right back up.

"Why are you shaking your head? Am I missing something or-"

"YES, OKAY YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT!" I froze when he interrupted me. I had never seen Jake this way before.

"It's hard enough as it is having to wait for you to come out of school knowing you've been in a building with a bunch of hormonal teenage boys. It will be even harder when we mate and are closer connected. I don't think I can stand to be away from you any longer than I need to be.

"Besides you can finish your classes online." He reaches over to take my hand but I move it before we make contact. "I'm sorry Jen."

I wanted to accept his apology. I wanted to be able to get over it and move on but some how I couldn't. "What, sorry for yelling at me or for trying to tell my I won't have a senior year. Well guess what. I don't accept your apology and I will be attending school next year."

He had pulled into my driveway and I stepped out of the car before he spoke and stomped up to the doorway with the cake in my hands. Our front door was opened so I headed there instead of through the garage.

Before I made it Jake caught up to me with his inhuman speed and yanked me behind him. I rolled my eyes and attempted to get past him with no avail.

To Be A Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن