Chapter FortyOne

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"It's so good to see you again, Jennifer." Luca coos at me as if I was a child. Jake was going crazy now, thrashing and growling that was so consistent it almost blended into the night air.

I refused to look back. Refused to look into his begging, pained eyes. I knew that they must have restrained him somehow so that he couldn't shift. Otherwise his wolf would probably take out everyone in the clearing to try to get to me.

Since I had turned myself over now, it was clear Luca was in charge. Not just of me, but of everyone.

"So here's what's gonna happen," Luca begins. He raises his voice when he continues, in attempt to speak over Jake's animalistic sounds. "Most of my men will escort me and this beautiful creature here to where we need to go. The rest will stay here to assure that you mutts won't change your mind. Is that clear, Alpha?"

I noticed how he mocked Tyler in his words, which Tyler took notice of too. He puffed his chest out, as his wolf roared to fight, I'm sure, but still remained at ease.

"Yes." Tyler says, quietly and defeated.

Luca grabs my arm and yanks me around to start walking away from them. Tears are now falling down my face at a free rate. I notice Micah is one who stays behind, which reminds me of his place next to Luca. To Luca, Micah is unimportant. Luca and the rest of the group with me need protection. They need someone to watch their backs as they take me away. Micah and the one other left behind though, they had no assurance that as soon as they tried to leave, they wouldn't be chased.

Jake was yelling at me, many things. "Please, Jen, PLEASE. Don't leave. Oh God don't leave. Please I beg of you." His cries of pleas upset me more, so I blocked then out, selfishly.

Before we were out of site from the rest. Tyler cleared his throat yet again.

"Jen," I whipped my head around, focusing on Tyler, not before accidentally catching a glimpse of Jake's raging form. My stomach clenched at the site.

"Yes, Alpha?" I reply, noticing Luca smirk beside me. Whatever he want's to comment he doesn't so Tyler finishes.

"Anna's sorry." His voice chokes at the end and I realize she must have been in his head since we had left. "She's so sorry Jen, she loves you okay?" I shake my head frantically and he turns to Luca again and nods his head.

So we continue again.

We walk for what seems like hours at Luca's fast pace. Surprisingly he doesn't try to make conversation. Only chuckling every once and a while out of the blue.

It starts to rain only after about a half hour of our walking. Even the rain can't halt the amount of tears rolling off my face.

Eventually we break through a line of trees and walk across a ditch until we're standing on the side of a road. We wait and wait until finally a black suv pulls up next to us.

"Call the others, tell em they can head out, and they better do it quick." Luca tells one of his acquaintances.

He motions for me to get into the car and places a hand on my back when I hoist myself up. His skin on mine bothers me, so I'm quick to sit in my seat to get away from him. I'm set into a seat in the very back, by a window.

Luca sits directly next to me, which surprises me. I thought he'd sit in the passenger seat or even drive, but no. He has to bless me with his presence the whole entire ride. Which probably lasted four hours.

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