Chapter Sixteen

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"A war?" I gasp. Figures that I find Jake immediately before learning that him and I are doomed.

"Yes, and the biggest war ever known to us werewolves. The war extended for a year and if it went any further, it was feared that humans would become involved." He states factually, like he's telling me a did you know fact.

"A year?" I ask. I mean I never loved history but I thought most of the wars like WW1, WW2 and the civil war took way longer than a year to resolve. "That doesn't seem that long considering it was your biggest war."

He contemplated his words. "My species is strong, in both our wolf and human forms. Most fights only last a few weeks, the regular human ones only last hours. This war wasn't against regular humans though...." He leaves his sentence trailing and waits for me to prompt him.

"So what was it against?" I ask frustrated with his reluctance to answer. I could tell he feels nervous. "You're nervous." I state.

He sighes a long sigh. "Yeah, I'm feeling de ja vu right now." I laugh even though he appears dead serious. I raise my eyebrows waiting. "Last time, when I told you I was a werewolf, you freaked out." He states, glancing over at me expectantly. I stare back at him, so he gets the message. "So don't freak out, but the our war was against vampires."

My eyes squint to slits as I study him for signs of sarcasm or a prank. He appears as serious as he has the whole conversation, so I try not to process his answer too much without more information.

"Okay... What about vampires?"

"Well us werewolves aren't the only creatures that have to hide from the rest of the world".

I moved my head back to face the windshield. Vampires? My life is turning into the Twilight books. I start to laugh in a nervous way and I can't help that my anxious giggles won't stop. Jake just watches the road with a slightly annoyed face.

Normally his expression would upset me, but right now I am too busy laughing.

When I finally get all of my giggles out, I turn again to face Jake, who still has a very serious look on his face.

"I'm serious Jen," he grits out. "I don't know why that was so funny but you wanted to know these things." My lips fall into a frown and as my new reality sets in.

"I know your serious! I just find this whole thing ironic. A week ago I was a simple girl debating if things like ghosts exist. Now I find out that werewolves and vampires actually do exist. It's just a lot to take in Jake".

"So continue." I say after a pause on Jake's end.

"So because both werewolves and vampires are strong and smart, this war dragged on. We fought, night and day, off and on, but mostly on. The fight was so close, we were both losing too many on both of our sides. So the war ended with a deal.

"The deal was that the vampires could no longer attack a werewolves and vice versa. It was also an agreement that vampires could no longer kill humans. That means they can still feed on humans, but not kill them. Along with that, werewolves had to keep there existence, as well as the vampires existence, a secret."

"But wasn't it already a secret?" I ask, I mean if it was known that vampires and werewolves existed years ago, I would still hear from it right?

"Kind of, that was another smaller part of the deal. All the humans who did know about us had to be taken care of." I process his words and come to a sickening realization.

"You just told me. You told me about werewolves and vampires and I'm a human." I state obviously. Would I be the next human to be "taken care of"?

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