Chapter FortyFive

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Contains violence

I sat in my cell, holding my stomach and thinking of Kayla. She had protected me before herself. She was beaten, belittled, all for me.

It was surprisingly quiet, which should have hinted me of what was to come. After all, there's always a silence before the storm. It never is loud in here, but usually there's something.

"Psst." A voice sounded from my left. I whipped my head around and saw a finger poke out between the metal wall of my cell and the floor. Although the cells weren't made of bars, they had metal sides and a metal door, that made me feel like I was enclose in a metal box. Then again, I guess I was.

"Psssst!" I heard again and I rolled over to the finger and laid on my side, to get a small view of my neighbors cell.

"Yes?" I answer with a question. The hand is pulled away and a body lays on the ground on the other side of the wall. In front of me now lays a young boy, maybe a little older than me.

"I have a message for you." He says in a voice so quiet I hesitate to respond, making sure I heard correctly.

"From who?" I ask excitedly. I knew this guy was a newer prisoner. Maybe it's news from Jake! I couldn't help but think excitedly.

"To hell if I know." He snaps at me. Okay, so apparently my neighbor here isn't that neighborly. "I'm just passing the message from some one who got it from some one, risking my life for two hopeful idiots playing telephone."


"Okay, well what is it?" 

"Well, from the last chick who heard it from another guy, I'm supposed to pass on that They're looking for you, I found his email and sent a message, I hope your mate can trace it."

It took me a second to realize what parts he had told me was actually the message. When I realized it though my heart seem to clench when it wanted to swell.

Kayla. She must have gotten into the internet some how. No other prisoner has a computer, as far as I know. She contacted him. I don't know how she could or how she found how to contact him but she did.

She did and now I could be saved.

"Thank you." I breathe to respond to him, rolling back to my original spot. I hear him shuffle back to his original spot too, just in time too, for right when it gets quiet again I hear odd footsteps come down the hallway. Then I heard the begging.

"Please! Please don't-" the girl screams before she finishes her own sentence and it brings me back to the scream I heard not too long ago.

"Kayla?" I yell out. I scramble to my feet and look out the little window on my door. Kayla is being dragged behind the guard that held me my first day, Samuel, I think his name was.

"Jen!" She gasps. I don't know how, but she sometimes gets out of his hold. I'm not sure where she hit him but as he kneeled down with a grunt she runs toward my door.

"How did you..... Kayla what-"

"Jen I sent it hours ago." He face is bruised heavily and I can't even imagine what the rest of her body must look like. "Hours, Jen, I think they're coming!" It's all she says before Samuel slams his body against her back making her head smack against the door.

"Kayla? KAYLA!" I scream. Samuel totally ignores me as he picks up a now unconscious Kayla very roughly. From the way she hung over his shoulder, I'd guess she was knocked out, again.

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