Chapter Thirty

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I woke up for the first time in a while without Jake by my side. Even at my house, with the constant threat of my parents finding us, he would be there when I opened my eyes. Yet now in his own home, I was alone.

I stretched myself out, getting rid of all the kinks and aches in my muscles. Then after laying on the bed for another five minutes, I hoisted myself up to take a shower.

The ensuite was amazing, even compared to the magnificent room. The counters were granite and the floor was a heated tile. There was a huge walk-in shower, but also a jacuzzi bathtub which I promised myself to use sometime soon.

It took a while for me to adjust the nozzles in the shower to get the right temperature. It seemed like the water either remained freezing cold or went straight to hot. Maybe Jake wasn't bothered by temperature.

After I took a really long shower, I grabbed the first towel I saw, which was a huge black one, and walked back into the bedroom to change. I slipped on a pair on underwear and a bra, then looked through the closet where I had just unpacked my clothes into last night.

When I was intently wondering what I should wear downstairs, I didn't hear the door to the bedroom click open, or the footsteps towards the closet. The only thing I did hear was Jake's sharp intake of breath.

I whipped around as his blurred form was in front of my in a second. His usual brown eyes were black as can be. My body was moved the short distance to the wall and I was pressed between it and Jake before I even remembered what I was wearing.

"Jake, I-" my voice was quiet and weak before he crashed his lips onto mine.

In that moment I wasn't thinking about only being in my underwear.

His hands were on my hips, and they held me firmly against the wall, as he pushed his body against mine. A pleasure that I can't explain filled my body.

When I couldn't breathe anymore I inclined my head upward as he trailed kisses down my jaw. Even though my lungs were exerted, I was praising Jake's werewolf lungs.

His kisses got lower and lower, until he soon kissed across my collarbone. From the middle of my neck to my shoulder he sucked and nipped at the skin, leaving plenty of hickey's, I'm sure. His lips hit the junction between my neck and shoulder and an unfamiliar sensation filled me. It was pleasurable and amazing, and I couldn't help but let out a low and long moan.

In a millisecond, Jake was gone. Out of the closet and out of the room. The door was shut and I faintly remembered hearing him slam it on his way out.

Did I do something?

I quickly got dressed in jeans and a plain purple shirt before hurrying downstairs.

I was nervous of asking Jake why he stopped. He had explained how he would mark me, and from where he got the reaction from me, I knew where he would pierce my neck with his teeth. I was worried about why he didn't though.

Why did he not continue on? Why did he not go all the way? Was I not good enough for him? Did he realize that he didn't want me anymore?

Entering the kitchen Jake was at the stove his back to me. When he sensed me enter he tensed.

"I thought there was a cook who made your meals." I wondered to Jake, deciding to not demand unknown answers right now.

"They only come and cook for dinner, and sometimes not even then. Usually only if we're having a family dinner or if the Alpha's involved."

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