Chapter TwentyFour

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Jake and I clapped my hands politely as Jeremy moved across the stage, slowly because of his crutches, to shake hands with the principal and grab his diploma. I couldn't believe that Jeremy, my Jeremy, was finally graduating. He walked back off just as quickly as he had walked on, as the next person walked up. This time the family members for this kid went crazy, screaming and even blowing an air horn. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I always thought these outburst were annoying and obnoxious. I mean just clap your hands politely will you?

Since the senior's graduation was early in my school, I still had a week to go.

I had already arranged my stay at Jake's house. I had told my parents that Riley was going to Florida with her family and that I was invited. They agreed, thankfully, because I didn't know any other way to lie to them. Riley said she would cover for me but I wasn't worried. My parents didn't know Riley's parents closely, so the chance of them checking in through them was slim.

Prom had actually been quite fun. Dylan stayed in his boundaries and only made some inappropriate jokes. I had a great time dancing with all my friends.

Jake had been coming over every night to sleep next to me. It had been about a week now since prom and two weeks that I had been ungrounded. He would hang out after school until he "had to leave". He also would park his car in my school's parking lot and sit there all day. I thought this was unnecessary, but apparently Micah was unpredictable. Jake and his pack also believed that Micah didn't come back here alone. This was one of the reasons he sat right next to me now, since he insisted on coming to Jeremy's graduation with me.

My family and I sat still until graduation was finished. After the class had threw their hats in the air and the ceremony was finished we made our way into our school's commons, where all the newly graduates were waiting.

I hugged Jeremy first as soon as we ran into him and then allowed my family to congratulate him as well. I stood next to Jake and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Our littlest brother finally made it." Justin says, rubbing his knuckles on Jeremy's head. Jeremy pushed Justin's hand away and rolled his eyes at his brother. "Now it's only Jen left. Make sure you carry on our family name next year, in your senior year little sis."

I smiled at him and shook my head. "Whatever you wish guy's."

Jace couldn't make it to the ceremony, since the school he works at also had their graduation today, but he was coming over later for dinner and bringing his new girlfriend.

Jake would also be joining us but this was old news. Jake had been coming over for dinner practically every other night. My mom enjoyed his company greatly and I could tell she was happy about our relationship. She was the one to coo when Jake grabbed my hand or pecked my cheek.

Meanwhile the boys of my family were struggling to remain in line.

My dad was still furious about the incident and brought it up every chance he got. We weren't allowed in my room at all when he was over, at least not that they knew about.

Justin and Jeremy both were playing the role of protective older brother. Surprisingly, Jeremy was worse, threatening Jake every chance he got. Justin just added his occasional comment every once in a while.

After we took some pictures and said hi to a few people we all made our way out. Before we reached the door I was pulled to the side by Dylan.

"Hey Jen, can I talk to you." I nod my head and walk over to a more secluded spot, leaving my family and Jake behind.

"We were planning on taking a trip down to Louisiana as soon as school gets out, you know, last summer before senior year. I wanted to give you the official invite. It will be all of us, like from prom pretty much, except Riley, she has a family thing already." I already knew about Riley of course, but I was surprised that he asked me. Usually I'm invited these things because of my relation with Riley. My association with Leah and Dylan also sometimes got me places but not someplace big like this.

"I'm surprised that you asked, but I already have arrangements."

"With who?" He asks sharply.

"With me." Jake say's coming up behind me and wrapping his hands around my hips. With the arrival of Jake, Dylan nervously shuffled his feet. I'm guessing he still remembered prom pictures.

"Actually no!" I quickly blurt. "Riley! I'm going with Riley on her trip!" Dylan didn't look convinced, but after a glance in Jake's direction he nodded his head.

"Yeah, maybe we can hang out later in the summer then."

Jake tightened his grip on my waist and I felt a rumble in his chest.

"Yeah Dylan, maybe." I told him, not wanting to totally blow him off. I could tell from Jake's reaction though that I wasn't seeing Dylan at all over the summer.

Dylan nodded his head and look disappointed, reading my nonchalant rejection. Then, against Jake's approval, I walked towards Dylan and wrapped my arms around him.

I can sense Jake furious behind me, but I don't care. It's not all about him all the time.

Dylan places his hands on my lower back, but yank them all the way up to my shoulder when Jake takes a threatening step forward. I roll my eyes and finally step away from Dylan.

"Hope you have a nice summer Dylan."

"Yeah, you too." I feel bad that I'm doing this to him. I actually do like him as a friend, but I like Jake a whole lot more.

Once me and Jake walk back to my family my dad narrows his eyes at mine and Jake's hands intertwined between us. My mom smiles.

"Are we going to meet up with Jace now?" Jeremy asks.

"Yes." My mother says. "Him and Anna."

"Are you driving with Jake?" My dad asks, directing his question towards me.

"Yeah, Jake and I are going to pick up the cake Mom ordered from the bakery." My mom nodded her head, approving and my dad shrugged his shoulders.

"As long as you hurry back home." My dad suggest.

"Oh, trust me. Meeting Jace's girlfriend is not something any of us want to miss." Justin says to my dad, winking at me. I giggle and all of us head out to the parking lot.


It's been a really long week at school! A freshman at my high school took his own life earlier this week, and I've been thinking of him a lot lately. I didn't know him at all, yet I feel sad for him and am praying for his family. I hope that if you're one of those people who puts others down or bullies you take a second to think about what your words could do. 

I'm planning on starting the next chapter tonight, so I may or may not have another chapter this weekend. I guess you'll have to wait and find out!



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