Chapter Ten

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Silence. That is how I sit in the car right now. I feel stupid. I feel like I have been punched in the gut. Repeatedly. Most of all, I really regret going on this date.

It has been silent for about five minutes now and the longer the silence stays the more I feel like a complete fool.

Jake is just like any other guy. He makes a girl feel all special only to pull the rug out from under her feet. He made me think that he felt something too. Now I just feel like I'm sittin in the car with a crazy person.

"Jen?" Jake questions for like the fifth time. I don't think he's received the message from the first four times I had ignored him. "I know you think I'm a psychopath right now, but just hear me-"

"No." I cut him off. "I don't know why you're doing this to me. I don't know if your friends payed you to ask a girl out to tell her something ridiculous or if this date was so horrible you're trying to push me away, but either way, just no."

Jake shuts up after that. The rest of the ride is quiet and he doesn't try to talk to me again. He glances in my direction every once in a while, which I do in return whenever he isn't looking.

He looks distraught. He looks upset and frustrated. I hope it isn't all because of me. After all, this was all his fault. His hands grip the steering wheel and I notice a bracelet on his wrist. It's simple black rope tied off around his wrist. I want to ask him what it is, but I remember I am mad at him.

He tries one last time as we approach my house.

"I want you to have my number." He says while attempting to hand me a piece of paper. "Just so you can call me."

"I seriously doubt I'll be doing that." I brace myself to jump out of the car as soon as he stops but Jake rolls right past my house. "You missed it." I hiss.

"Yes, I know. I won't stop until you take my number." He persists.

"But this is kidnapping! I could sue you!" I threaten.

"Sure, but you won't. Besides, I'm just circling the block, but can you please just take it."

"You know I think I'll just roll."

"No!" He roars, making me jump in my seat. I look at him appalled and he shrinks back into his seat. "I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't hurt yourself, especially in front of me. I'd hate myself forever."

I nodd my head once and reach my hand out. "Give me your number." I say plainly.

"Oh good! So you'll call me." He sounds hopeful as he hands it to me and I feel a warmth in my stomach. It makes me feel like I really should just call him so everything can be alright again.

What am I saying? No! I am not doing that.

"No." I say blankly. His face falls and I stop myself from softening too fast. "Okay maybe." His face lights up like a christmas tree.

"Jennifer, I await every second for that call." He whispers with a sweet smile. My body is telling me to lean in and kiss him, even just hug him. My mind is still mad though. I ironically think of the saying "mind over matter".

"It's Jen, and don't get too hopeful." I say rolling my eyes as he finally pulls into my driveway. "You're the one who's trying to push me away here."

As I shut the door after getting out, I hear him quietly mumble, "but you're the one who doesn't think it's true."

• • • • •

I wake up early the next morning to the all-too familiar cramp in my gut. I am glad my parents decided to skip out on church today, because I decide I need a run.

After I change into my running attire and grab a granola bar for breakfast I make my way out.

Our neighborhood has small and medium sized houses, with our four bedroom ranch being one of the biggest. Two sides of our neighborhood touch a forest. The other two are roads, that both crossed through town. I prefer running through the forest because it makes me feel peaceful and I like being alone knowing no one is watching.

I follow the running path to the bridge, then turned on the small trail, wandering away from the main trail.

I jog slowly, trying to ignore the cramp in my side. It really is a crappy run. By the time I end up reaching my half-way point, I start to walk.

I try not to think of my date last night too much. What was Jake trying to pull? After he had tried claiming he was a mythical creature, I thought for sure he wanted out of whatever we were starting. His reaction after, however, made it seem like he cared about what I thought. Like he cared about me.

I am almost to the main path again when my internal debate is interrupted by a low growl. I freeze on instinct. To my right, I see a dark, large dog materialize in front of me. It's head is low and it begins stalking towards me like I'm it's next meal. As it comes closer, I realize that it's not just a stray dog- but a wolf.

I turn and am about to run for my life when I hear an obnoxious ripping noise. Another wolf, this one a solid dark brown color, leaps in front of me from the left side. Its sudden appearance makes me fall backwards on my butt.

The brown wolf also make it's way towards me, snarling threateningly. I know if I back up, I'll hit the gray wolf. If I try to run, they'll both lunge. So I stay still in fear of being attacked and killed.

When the brown wolf stands in front of me I crouch down prepared to face death, wishing I had gone to church one more time. Instead, the brown wolf jumps over me, pouncing on the gray wolf. They both start snapping at eachother and snarling. Their jaws seem to always be just barely missing the others neck. It is intense to watch, but I use the distraction as my cue to leave.

I grip the ground and push up, sprinting towards the trail and towards safety as fast as I can. I am almost almost back to the trail when I see it.

A black rope, specifically a bracelet, lying next to a pile of shredded clothes.


Holy Lord, this chapter took a VERY long time to write. It was kinda a filler, but somewhat important.

Next chapter will be more interesting, especially between Jake and Jen.

Chapter Notes:

•Jen saw a black bracelet on the trail..... Do you think it's Jake's?

• The wolf that protected her was dark brown

•Jen had a cramp when she woke up this morning, again.

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