Chapter FortyFour

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Contains Violence

Micah and I don't wait for long before the door opens and Luca walks in, holding a grocery bag in his hands. On his way to his chair he tosses me the bag and sits down without a word. I open the bag immediately, curious. What's inside shocks me.

"Why are you giving me a pregnancy test?" I ask carefully. He stares into my eyes as his mouth slightly turns upward.

"Just figured it could be one more test." He smirks, then points to the bathroom that's attached to the room.

I got up with shaky feet and walked to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I knew I was just humoring him, I knew he must have known. I mean surely he wouldn't actually make me take this test if he didn't have suspicions.

I pulled up my gown after I pulled the test out of the box, squatting on the toilet. I debated not actually peeing on the stick and just running water over it but I didn't know if that would work. I also knew if they caught me doing it, I may suffer the consequences.

So I peed on the damn stick.

I didn't hesitate after I had done it. I washed my hands and walked out of bathroom, trying to keep my head held high.

"The test?" Luca asks me flatly.

"I left it on the sink." I spit back. He clenched his teeth but didn't reply.

Kayla entered the room holding a new folder, looking confident, in a weird way.

"Oh Miss Kayla please enlighten us." Micah sneers from his spot next to Luca.

Kayla sits in her spot and starts telling Luca and Micah things from the folder she held in her hands. I kinda blocked it out, not giving a damn anymore.

"And the pregnancy results?" Luca asks.

Kayla gulps before flipping through the folder and showing him a page. "She's not pregnant. This page will tell you...." She trails off and I see her eyes flicker nervously up to his. She's lying I automatically conclude. She was trying to protect me, my secret.

Luca studies the page with a neutral face. He stares at it, even though I can tell he's not reading it.

"You are not being very smart miss Kayla." Luca says in a humorous voice. "I think maybe you read the paper wrong." He shoves the folder back at her face and she takes it. No one misses the shake in her hands this time as she glances over it.

"No, sir, I'm sure she's not pregnant." Right as her sentence is finished Luca is standing above her as she lay on the floor by his feet. From his speedy movements it took me a second to realize he had slapped her.

"You bitch." He spits at her. She cradles her face as she cowers away from him. "Go get the test." I know his words are directed to me, so I scurry to the bathroom, grabbing the test.

I now understood why I had to take the test. While looking down at the positive sign I knew Kayla was about to suffer. I was halfway tempted to smash the test under my foot, or throw it in the toilet. I was selfish though. I needed to protect my baby, like she had attempted to do.

When I walked back to him he snatched the test out of my hand, barely glancing at it before showing it to Kayla, who still laid on the ground.

"Did this test lie, Kayla? Or did you?" Lucas voice was full of venom now, as Kayla was huddled in the corner of the room at his feet.

"Please," she started begging, slightly pushing herself up. "I didn't know, I thought the test was negative." I thought her pleas were very believable. This was Luca though, and he did not.

His foot flicked forwards in the blink of an eye and Kayla started screaming as her hands surrounded her stomach. I bit my tongue and backed away from the two of them. Protect the baby, protect the baby was the only thing I could think. I was a monster. I was letting her get beat, letting her take the blame. This was my fault.

"I don't like to think of you as a coward, Kayla, nor a liar." He kicks her again and she groans. Her face is streaked with tears, some that fell over the red hand print left from Luca's hand. Her eyes were wide and so scared, my heart wanted to shred in my chest. "You wanted to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology, you bitch. You think we're stupid? We studied you before we took you from your sorry excuse of a life. We know you spent as many hours as possible in that hospital so you could be successful. You wanted to go into a specialty that specializes in pregnancies, and you say you didn't know. So either your a stupid, good for nothing bitch, or you lied, and I don't like liars." He kicks her again and she continues screaming.

Please pass out I wish for her. This is my fault. I put her in this situation.

As his foot comes back again, in a slow taunting way, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop! Please stop!" I yell at Luca, letting my own sobs rock my body. I want to sink to the floor but I won't do that. I won't put myself at his feet.

He doesn't move his foot from the air and the room is silent. With one more snap of his knee his foot forces itself against Kayla one more time. I block out her cries. He then slowly turns in my direction.

"P-please." I beg him now. What had I done? I was putting my baby in danger. "Please d-don't hurt me." I sound pathetic. I was never brave or bold, but I definitely wasn't ever a coward. Now however, I feel like a wimp, like a piece of nothing.

He saunters towards me until he remains directly in front of me. When he raises his hand I flinch, even though he simply strokes it down my face.

"Jen, oh Jen, what are we gonna do with you. You're pregnant with Jake's baby, and we are getting no where with you!" He taps my cheeks and then turns around, pacing lazily around the room.

"Do you think your friends in Fairfield miss you? Or your family in Rockton?" He waved the test that was still in his hands by my face. "Do you think Jake would want to know that you're pregnant. That I have two things in my possession that he would do anything to not lose?" I flinch at that thought. Jake would lose his mind.

"For now, I want you to stay well, yeah?" He tapped me on the head as he made his way to the door. "Micah, please assist Jen here to her cell, then come back for Kayla." Then he left the room, leaving the door wide open behind him.

I let out a breath that I was holding, then approached Kayla. She was out, which I was somewhat thankful for, although I hoped she was still alive.

"Let's go." Micah says, so I leave the room with him, leaving the woman who stood up for me all alone.


Finally was able to update again! Hope you like it!



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