Chapter TwentyEight

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"This is pointless!" I frustratedly groan as Anna backs the car out of my driveway.

School was finally out. I was officially entering the summer of my senior year and I was heading over to Jake's pack house.

Anna had driven over here, unknown to my brother, to help me pack and to drop me off at Jake's. Luckily everyone else was out, so we didn't have to sneak around too bad.

Ever since Micah had stopped by the second time, Jake had totally dropped all suspicions he had of Anna. Now they were working together to give me an around the clock babysitter.

"No it's not, it's actually much needed. If something happened to you Jake would never be the same."

"Since when are you worried about what happens to Jake?" I ask pointedly.

"It's not Jake that I'm worried about, I just understand the process of a mate and what you can feel." She tells me after she rolls her eyes.

Anna driving me, was an example of their crazy babysitting obsessions.

"I hardly doubt that this Luca guy is going to get rid of me by killing me in a car crash." I retorted. Anna just shrugged and mumbled you never know.

I had said my formal goodbye to my parents this morning since they believed me to be leaving the state, when really I'd be two towns over. They thought Riley's parents were picking me up and we would be heading straight on our way, which is why Anna had to pick me up; I couldn't take my car.

We didn't talk much on the way there but we did sing. We turned on the pop station and screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs. That's what I appreciated about Anna, she was good with weirdness.

I was surprised when we pulled up to the gigantic house and the flurry of people around it. The last and only other time I'd been here was at night and there was not another soul insight. Now kids played, running around and laughing. Teenage guy's wrestled as teenage girls stood by, giggling and flirting.

Our arrival didn't stop any of the commotion. Barely five people even threw us a second glance.

Jake was walking out of the door when we stepped out of the car. He immediately embraced me, placing his nose in my hair first and then near my neck, inhaling. I used to be freaked out by these actions, but now I barely had a second thought. I guess it was just a wolf thing.

"Thank you for getting her here." He tells Anna over my head. I don't hear her respond, and I glance back to see her nod her head once.

Since she has started being around Jake more, she started feeling the aura of his beta position. Jake tried to explain it to me, but it was kinda confusing. Apparently not all "rouges" are bad. Any wolf who didn't want to deal with the responsibilities of a pack could just branch out on their own, like Anna did. They can't feel the power of the alpha or beta, unlike the members in the pack can, but because Anna is getting closer to Jake, her wolf is getting edgy. When I asked what she thought about it, her answer practically gave me a heart attack.

'Usually I'd run, move to a different part of the country where I wouldn't feel put in any place,' she told and when I asked about Jace she replies; 'that's why I said usually, your brother makes that statement usually'

"All my stuff's in the back." I tell him, when he pulls away.

As soon as Jake had approached us, everyone outside had quieted down and checked us out. That made it get awkward real quick.

We hurriedly opened the trunk and Jake insisted he carried all my bags, then he led us inside.

The house looked so welcoming compared to the last time I'd visited. I was excited to be here this time.

Anna looked weird as we followed Jake through the house. She followed us cautiously and looked around each corner like she was expecting someone to be waiting for her. I assumed it had to do with her being a rouge and all.

We entered what presumedly was the living room and Jake set all my bags down on the couch, he turned around and opened his mouth to say something before a growl erupted form the other side of the living room. Tyler had walked into the room from the other side that we had.

At first I thought he was furious about me and when he stomped my way I was surprised that Jake didn't make a move to protect me. I understood why when he stormed passed me and stepped up to Anna.

"Mine." He growled, as he pulled her into her chest. Anna didn't move or object. In fact she looked confused.

I looked over to Jake curiously and he held a small smile on his face.

"Looks like we finally found our Luna." I remember him telling me about the Luna being the female leader of the pack, and the mate of the Alpha.

Anna's mate was Tyler.

I smiled too, because I couldn't help but think of that weird feeling I felt when I met Jake. Then I remembered Jace.

What was gonna happen? Was she just gonna dump him? How would Jace cope? Him and Anna were inseparable. Jace didn't even roll his eyes when I joked about a wedding or babies. Everyone just knew they were perfect for each other.

"What's your name?" Tyler asks Anna, in a voice I'd only heard him use with Leah before. Leah! I totally forgot about her. Would I have to listen to her cries when she told me Tyler dumped her, knowing that Tyler thought nothing of her anymore?

"Anna." She says in a small voice. She was so different than how I knew her before this minute. Usually she was welcoming and loud. Now she was shy and quiet.

"I've waited so long to find you." Tyler tells her, picking up a piece of her hair and rolling it through his fingers. She shuddered and took a small step back.

"I need to go talk to your brother." Anna tells me, turning away from Tyler completely.

Tyler looks at us curiously before Anna turns and hurries out the door. Tyler quickly follows after her.

I looked at Jake, at loss for words.


Sorry this update was later... My school's homecoming game and dance were this week so I've been a little busy.

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to put up something instead of nothing.

Keep up the reads and votes, and I always love your comments:)

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