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Ten Days Later.

Anjali has been discharged from the hospital and was back at RM enjoying the pampering and attention Nani and Mami was giving her.

She remembered how when everyone was busy partying for Payal's birthday party, she walked upstairs and intentionally fell down the stairs to ruin their happiness.

The psychopath she was didn't care about the pain she felt or how she was putting her baby in danger or death because she will endure it all as long as all the attention was on her and she did succeed in not only ruining everyone's happiness, Nani and Mami were back to pampering her and she didn't even care about her daughter whom she had only seen twice since she gain consciousness the following day.

"Anju why don't you want to see your daughter? " Nani who was feeding her asked out of the blue and she started her waterworks again.

"Nani ,I can't face her for putting her life in danger....... I was just bored and wanted one of my book to read but seeing how you were all enjoying and happy, I didn't want to bother anyone with my presence and I know Payal doesn't like me because of how rude and horrible I have been with her all because I was jealous of how you and Mami were showering them with all the love and attention you use to give me....... Please don't force me to see her now...... I need time. "

Anjali's gaslighting and guilt tripping worked like magic and she smirked seeing the look of regret and guilt on the faces of Nani and Mami.

"Hello hi bye bye we are so sorry but you also must understand they are the daughters of this house too...... But we promise to apologize to them. " Anjali nodded as Mami stood up and took the tray walking out.

Nani followed next after kissing her forehead.

"Rest now dear. "

Anjali nodded and smiled as she watched Nani walk out closing the door behind her.

The smile on her face dropped and she started fuming and stood up walking to the bathroom.

She stood in front of the mirror and saw how her once beautiful face has aged by ten years in ten days.

She had dark circles under her baggy eyes and her skin looked ashy as of she hasn't moisturized in years.

She took a few steps back and lifted her baggy shirt and her eyes teared up with angry tears seeing the hangover she got from being pregnant and the ugly gruesome scars from her c section and she hated it.

"Don't worry Anjali, all this is for a good cause........ You will forever live in here because Shyam is still and will forever be in jail, you lost your husband, have post traumatic stress, postpartum depression and nearly died...... That's all the recipe I need to make all of them submit but now it's time for what I asked of Arnav and Khushi and immediately they agree, I will gradually use the opportunity to seperate them and my baby will be my insurance to live lavishly. " Anjali let out a villainous laughter while staring at herself in the mirror remembering what happened two days before she was released back home.


Anjali pretended to be asleep while the whole family stood in her room with her doctor discussing her state.

"We think Anjali is suffering from PTSD from her fall and together with her postpartum depression, we think that's the reason she is refusing to see her daughter....... For now we do not force her and I have asked for the best specialist in the field to come here just for her and she will be here in a week...... We will try to treat Anjali as much as possible and please don't stress her and do everything she ask for now. "

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