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Sorry for the late update.

Got caught up in my project works so here is the final update.


No proofread.

Arnav, Khushi and the entire Raizada, Gupta and Jha family rushed into a school premise with worry and concern on their faces.

They were all directed to the principal's office and  barged in to find a raging Aarav and Pihu who was raining insults three boys being restrained by some of the teachers and three boys backed in the corner crying while being shielded by the principal who looked exhausted and horrified.

While their respective parents held each other scared and shaking by the actions of Aarav and Pihu.

Seeing this, the family knew something really serious had happened as Aarav and Pihu who were always calm kids has gone into rage mode which only happens when it has to do with either Kiara or Arohi

"Papa." Two adorable voices squealed in unison alerting the others of the arrival of the family.

The girls run up to their fathers with arms wide open and they scooped them up inspecting if they were okay.

"Arohi are you okay? " Arnav asked his three years old daughter who bobbled her head and licked her lollipop with a sheepish smile on her face. "Kiki what about you? " Arnav asked staring at Kiara and Kiara who was being carried by Shyam shook her head and pointed to the boys behind the principal.

She wiggled out of Shyam's arms and  Shyam let her down and she placed her fists on her waist glaring at the boys who held on tightly to the principal.

"Papa....... Uncle Aru...... These naughty boys have been bullying Arohi and threatened her. " Kiara revealed shocking them and the men in the family turned to glared at the boys who turned pale as their parents gulped in fear realising they are in hot water for messing with the children of such powerful people.

Arnav stared at Arohi who nodded sadly and her lips started quivering and she burst out crying hugging Arnav's neck as she dropped her lollipop and this pissed everyone off even more.

Aarav, Pihu and Kiara seeing their baby sister crying charged at the boys and started hitting them as the elders tried to stop the attacks and the office turned into chaos.

Arnav kissed Arohi and wiped her tears as he handed her over to Khushi and Payal covered her eyes knowing what was about to come.

Someone made the baby of the family and no one was going to get away with it.

"Enough." arnav bellowed as everyone halted and turned to him"What the hell is going on here?....... Aarav? "

Aarav who had one of the boys hair in his grip let go and walked up to Aarav.

"Because of our upcoming science fair competition, I and Pihu haven't been spending time with her as our break is at a different time for those of us participating in the competition....... We found out these boys have been harassing Aru because a week ago she refused to give them the jalebi grandpa Shashi made for her....... They then snatched it from her and threw it on the floor........ Arohi wanted to tell us but they threatened to spoil out projects and hurt Kiki when she comes back to school and she kept quiet because of it...... Since then they have been harassing her but today I got out class early and so did Pihu and we found them bullying her again....... We forced her to tell us the truth and that's how we found out about them harassing her for a week now and also threw away her snacks...... She started crying after she revealed it to us and Kiki bought her a lollipop to calm her down........ When I and Pihu confronted, they laughed at us and threatened to have their parents make our lives miserable saying their parents own the school and that they can do anything they want and to proof that, they pushed Arohi and fortunately for us, Kiki broke her fall on time....... I got some mad I beat them up and Pihu joined. "

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