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City Hospital.

Payash and Arshi were feeling sorry for a devastated Nk who had refused to eat or drink anything since Lavanya was admitted.

Arnav and Akash had to drag him into one of the locker rooms and force him to change out of his bloody clothes.

From Nk's state, they all realized Nk was in love with Lavanya which they all didn't mind but knew it won't be easy convincing Lavanya because of who her parent's were and what they had done to Khushi.

They also knew all the progress she had achieved in her therapy sessions were now useless as she has been traumatized again and this time probably beyond repair.

"I should have stopped her. " Nk cried out as he hugged Akash's waist. "All this is my fault....... I knew the truth and yet I let her go....... I killed her...... I killed her. "

Everyone had tears in their eyes hearing his broken voice and painful wails.

Khushi kneeled in front of Nk and took his hand as he stared at him.

"This is not you fault ........ Rhea and Gautam are the only ones to be blamed for all of this...... We are their victims ..... They are the ones who abused Lavanya psychologically, emotionally and verbally...... They are the ones whose greed made snatched my parents from I and Arnav...... They turned their own child into something she is not and she spent her entire life doing things they wanted and she did it to gain their love and love and approval which she didn't and wouldn't have gotten......... Lavanya is now broken far worse than before and you are the only person she feels comfortable with according to her therapist....... If you break down now then who will help her heal........ Stop blaming yourself and stay strong for Lavanya whom I know you love and don't you dare deny it...... We all see it and will support the two of you..... But now we need you to stay strong for us and especially for Lavanya. "

Nk nodded and hugged Khushi who reciprocated the hug.

Arnav smiled looking at Khushi who always in the face of pain and suffering, becomes the sign of hope for things to get better.

Delhi Police Station.

The station was in chaos and upheaval as everyone was running around looking for an escaped prisoner.

"Sir what are we going to do? " One of the policemen nervously asked the commissioner who was equally nervous turned and a slap landed on the policeman's cheek.

He held his abused staring at his superior in shock and he grabbed his shirt and shook him as all the others looked on.

"Do you have any idea who had just escaped and what her escape can mean for our careers and freedom. "

Everyone flinched at the intensity of his voice.

"Am sorry she tricked us..... She made us believe she had fainted and we had to believe her because she just had a c section and was beaten by her grandmother........ She hit the doctor who was examining her and hurt the two nurses......... She walked out wearing one of the nurse's outfit and we unfortunately couldn't suspect her. "

The commissioner let go off him and he stumbled backwards almost falling over but  the desk behind him broke his fall and help supported him.

"Call the other branches and send and alert to everyone to look for her...... No one must know she has escaped...... Not the media or the family. " The commissioner ordered as everyone run out to do as commanded.

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