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A ringing of a phone broke the reverie of a man sleeping spread out in his bed.

He grunt dipping his face more in his pillow annoyed because his beautiful and peaceful sleep was interrupted as he tab the bed side for his phone and he picked it up and raised his head and frown seeing an unknown number on the screen and received it.

"Good Morning Mr Jha,this is Mr Malhotra. " The man revealed to be Shyam Manohar Jha immediately jumped off his bed realizing he was speaking to Soha's boss.

"Good morning to you too Mr Malhotra. "

"I called to personally inform you that we love to have you on our team...... I received your achievement report and former projects from your old law firm and with the testimony from Soha, we welcome you to our team...... You are a good lawyer who unfortunately made  some really bad decisions but hearing what you did in the past months made me realise you deserve a second chance...... I hope you don't disappoint us especially Soha who put her job on line by vouching for you....... I will be expecting you in my office tomorrow morning to go through the contract and pay including benefits. "

Shyam covered his mouth to muffle his crying and thanked Soha's boss.

He run out of his room and saw Soha making coffee in the kitchen.

He yanked her up swirling her around and Soha's initial state of shock turned into laughter.

"Shyam stop. " She squealed as Shyam put her down and kneeled bowing to her.

Soha was stunned by his gesture and ordered him to stop.

He then revealed the call her received and thanked her.

"You deserve it....... This is the chance you need to proof that you can take care of Pihu and Kiara........ You can stay here for as long as you can under our previous condition that you always take Pihu to school....... I am proud of you. " Soha said sincerely and Shyam felt bad and sat on the stool behind him.

"Sometimes I feel I don't deserve all this second chances that are coming my way especially after everything I did...... I have done worst and yet people seems to see something good in me...,..... To Pihu I am her hero, Shashi thinks I am a good man who led a bad life...... You think I deserve a second chance but all this makes me doubt myself and makes me feel more horrible. "

Soha sighed and walked up to him and hugged him, Shyam was taken aback for a moment but reciprocated.

"It's okay to feel this way because it's part of your healing process....... I want you to start seeing a therapist soon...... You need it in fact we all need it. "

Shyam nodded and broke the hug and thanked Soha and he walked back to his room smiling and Soha stared at him with pride.

This was the Shyam she knew from the beginning and she was happy seeing that Shyam again.

For Shyam even though he knew they will never come back together, he will always be there to protect her and their daughter after all she is and will always be his one true love but he never also knew he blew his chance with her and she deserves better.

So now he will dedicate his life making sure his daughters and Soha are always happy and fulfilled in life.


Lavanya wheeled herself to the kitchen to get some water when she saw HP and his brothers frowning and staring at something in the kitchen.

They have all slept in for some reason and were now waking up when it's almost a few minutes to afternoon.

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 ❤❤ 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓝𝓸 𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt