Prologue #2

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Zaria 🌹

The heavy drops of rain pattering over my car windows helped a little to calm down my anxiety and the adrenaline rush. I'm driving at high speed to get out of the town. It's a part of my usual routine now. I come here after every small inconvenience. It's just my way of cooperating with stress.

It's very cold out here and the bridge is covered in darkness. It was desolate. Most of the streetlights were damaged with no light. The street lamps that weren't broken projected little circles of white light onto an empty, cracked sidewalk. There was no car, nor a single sign of human civilization out there, except me.

The bridge looked so lifeless. Like, so many earthbound spirits are dancing around here. The whole damn view in front of me looked like a horror movie scene. So creepy.

"It wasn't my fault that I lost my job" My hands clenched the steering wheel. It wasn't my fault that my boss groped me today.

Fortunately, I know how to fight for myself.
He ended up with a broken nose and his dick probably would be bruised and swollen for at least a few weeks.

I did report him to the police but there was no evidence to prove he groped me. Even then instead of investigating him, they tried to put charges on me for assaulting him. And that piece of shit portrayed himself as a good guy and saved my ass by not putting charges on me.

I've a really good career as an author. 21 published books, all of them famous worldwide and ranked high. A few of them were adapted into movies. I've won awards, loaded with money and living my dream life. I literally have everything anyone in my line of career dreams of. 

Still, I chose to do a side job. I kinda liked to busy myself with something, that's also what my therapist suggested I do. It helped me to be productive and keep my mind off unhealthy overthinking.

Today, all I did was stand against the wrong only to get myself what I didn't deserve. it wasn't new for me and that hurts the most. I need to release the pain in my chest and the war in my head.

I pulled my car over at the side of the bridge. Removing the seatbelt, I stepped out of my car to inhale the misty air. The night is as cold as it can get. The rain had stopped, but the roads shone in its wake.

I try to calm the adrenaline rush running through my veins. I needed to distract myself so I drove miles away from the city. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I come here to relax.

The night was lifeless just like me. Living my life through books is a tonic for the war inside of my head. I live through them but it really breaks me because in reality, my life is not as glamorous. And I wish maybe, just maybe, if I hold on a little bit more, I'll have a place where I can feel home again.

I heard my phone buzzing in my handbag, I picked it out with a shaky hand. Thia's name flashed on the screen. Before answering, I took a sharp breath to calm down my anxiety which is choking me to death.

"Where are you, Zee?" Thia immediately spoke without giving me the chance to say hello.

"Roaming around on the outskirts." I sighed "Don't worry about me. I am safe. There is literally no one here." I reassured her.

"It's midnight. I want you home as soon as possible" my older sister demanded.

She is usually not this hard on me but it's past midnight and I'm still not home. Of course, she'll be concerned.

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