Ch. 59 || We will meet again

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Zaria 🥀

The smell of the bloody and gruesome wound of my burned skin was fresh in the air. I tried my best to ignore it as I maneuvered my sword in the air. My wet hair-locks falling over the simple white gown I pulled on after spending 5 hours in the shower. Crying and breaking until I decided to show what I am capable of. Until I decided to not pity myself. That bastard doesn't deserve my tears. He tainted my body but I will not let him break my will power.

He keeps calling me Thora. Fine. Now, I will show just how lethally I can honour my sword by punishing the ones who did me wrong.

Gone is the soft lover girl.

My steps were gracefully intimidating as I walked out of the sword room. It's past three in the night, yet the lousy pets called 'bodyguards' are still awake. Lining each side of the dark blue corridor. Their eyes fell on me, they didn't have their goggles on and I could see some of them pitying on me, some eye fucking me, some of them proud of what happened to me, as if I deserved the exploitation my body went through.

All that criticising eyes fell off and alert replaced their faces when they noticed the heavy sword in my hand. They pulled out their guns and pointed at me. But I didn't flinch. My lifeless eyes studied them for a moment.

"If anyone dares to stop me, I will slit open their throats." I warn with the promise and rage in my tone.

Ignoring them, I stepped forward. The heavy sword feels light in my hands. I'm used to it; I know how to use it. it was just a blip when I forgot 'how to.'

One of the bodyguards stepped forward anyway. He reached out his hand to grab me. I maneuvered the sword in the air and slashed it through his throat. His skin slit apart and blood spilt outside, a few splashes on my gown. His body slumped on the floor with his eyes almost popping out as he wiggled, before his pathetic soul left his body.

"I had already warned." I say without any remorse. I don't feel anything. I don't shiver nor do I shake in fear. Nor do I feel any pity for him. I have slaughtered countless in the past, what's the difference now?

The other ones hesitated and stepped back. Having guns doesn't make them powerful when the trigger can't be pressed without permission. They aren't allowed to hurt me but I can return the favour, they know that very well.

The tip of the blade of my sword screeched against the floor deliberately as I walked across the dark corridor. The ends of my long white gown flared in the air and my long hair blew back by the breeze coming from the front end of the large window. With the aim of revenge in my eyes, and a sombre face like it's frozen, I probably looked like a ghost that even the she-devil admired.

I took a left turn that opened into a lit living room. Across the room is another wing that is directly connected to Lucien's study, where he currently is.

I'm standing between the threshold that connects the open living room with the wing. The bodyguards on this side instantly raised their guns at me. These ones aren't just meant to look after me like the ones who were outside the sword room, their priorities lie with protecting their boss.

Seeing the blood dripping on the blade, they moved towards me slowly. "Keep the weapon down and raise your hands." One of them shouted.

I ignored his pointless threat and walked ahead.

"Go, grab her down." The one in command ordered.

Two of them rush towards me, I swing my sword at them and slit the throats of each. Another one unlocked the barrel of his gun but I stabbed the sword in his heart, cutting through his body and then removing it back, his dead body falling on the floor. I twirl the sword in my hand skilfully, in victory, showing dominance and rage.

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