Ch. 55 || The Underworld Myth

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Damien 🥀

⚠️ Trigger warning - Panic Attack

Cade and I walk across the enormous Gothic Victorian hallway with the beasts of bodyguards lined against either side of the wall watching us, along with the CCTV camera motion with our steps. Our own bodyguards follow close behind. Not the same useless bodyguards who couldn’t keep her safe.

Is she okay? What must be happening to her now? What must she be doing? Is she taking care of herself or being careless? Is she hurt?

"This way, and the guards stay out.” A man with a mask gestures towards the door where he is waiting for us, as if we haven't visited this place before.

We walked into a dim and dark but grand room, with a few lamps which supplied just enough light to not stumble into anything. The room’s furniture consisted of a silver chandelier, a big antique clock above the traditional fireplace and two dark blue sofas facing each other.

There was a big glass wall between the two sofas, and he was sitting right there on the other side with his ankle on his knee, completely relaxed. The glass’s black tint decreased his visibility and I could only make out his shadow. But it’s enough. Everyone in this room knew it was more than what many people got.

We weren’t checked for weapons, nor were we checked for any recording devices. But no one in their right minds will do anything that foolish in his territory. Unless they have a wish for a fate worse than death itself.

Even though the lack of visible armoury on his part, I know that only one click at the right spot would tear apart the floor and make the people sitting on the couch fall into a bottomless hole. Nothing is impossible here. In his place.

"Why did you call us here?" Cade asks in his deep serious tone.

"To remind you of what you are and where you stand." His voice comes out distorted from behind the glass, but the words stay in the air like a cold command.

Deep hood of his jacket fell over his black-masked face. The mask didn't allow an inch of skin to show. Behind him, the black wall showcased 6 human skulls hanging three in each row, which, if they turned out to be real, I will not be surprised.

She would be surprised as well as shocked though. Her grey eyes like a storm would turn wide and her brain will start running at a speed of a mile a minute while she will process the information. Her overthinking is quite adorable.

"We are doing our business just fine. I don't see anything wrong that may be the cause of your worry." Cade replies sternly.

"Maybe not yet, but I see that day isn't so far when you get so involved with women." He tilts his head slightly to the left like he is studying us. But we are an open book to him.

All of us are.

His use of the word “women”—as in plural—doesn’t go unnoticed by me. He knows about Cade’s obsession as well.

"Well, that didn't answer my question." Cade said. Only he dared to talk back to The Grimm.

The Grimm. There are 3 powers, hidden from the general public’s eye, that function this world. Number 3 is the ‘Underworld’, on number 2 is ‘The Hunters’, and the number 1 is, ‘The Grimm’.

‘The Grimm’ is a title established hundreds of years ago, rewarded to the most dangerous and clever person. Whoever takes over the throne is known to have a heart of stone and ability to dominate the entire mankind. The Grimm's actual identity is known by very few people who are sworn to secrecy and are loyal to him till death.

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