Ch. 65 || Flying Back

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Zaria 🥀

"Don't." Damien warns me when I try to move away and pulls me back against his chest. He kissed me again, sucking my lips between his. The moonlight is bright in the hues of blue seeping through the secluded windows of his private jet.

After last night the paint had made my hair a little too dry, but thankfully, the paint washed off my hair after emptying half of the shampoo bottle and conditioner. It easily washed off my body in one go.

"Can you two focus on the important conversation going on here?" Thia calls us out from where she is sitting. I pulled back from the kiss and casually shrugged my shoulders at her.

The interior of the plane is luxurious yet minimal. Cream couches and chairs, black marble arch, and silver rim lights. Thia is sitting next to Lex on the other side of the seat. Cade and Matteo are facing them on the opposite side.

"The mercenaries are all set out in their positions. I have double checked the security and devices. All good." Matteo speaks, looking at a tablet placed on the table in the middle.

"The only thing we need to look after..." Matteo glanced at me " you, Zaria. Are you sure about going there?"

"I do have haunting memories of that place, but I can't stay back and do nothing. Maybe going back to Kallistar can heal me again? Like, with all of you there, I will have new and much better memories." I say hopefully, my arm going under Damien's arm, locking with him.

He nods, going over the plan one more time with Cade.

We're headed back to Kallistar to execute the mission and I'd be damned if I stayed back in Maxion. Plus, it's much safer to be with Damien when walking into a fire than to stay back without him with nowhere to go.

The island has a small private airport despite the land being small. Lucien only had pulled half a billion dollars from the company but being born in the Erik family, he had a lot of expensive assets to his name already. He sold most of them and cashed out billions of dollars which he used to make the island highly secluded.

I didn't know this but Damien told me about this last night when I finally asked him some questions later in the night. He even promised me that he will stop taking the poison. He is always there with me, not even leaving to avenge the people we've held captive. For some reason, he has kept the culprits— including the bodyguards alive in the abandoned warehouse.

I only went there once, when he had brought them in. It gave me shivers just looking at the lethal interior those people had made years ago to torture children, my heart isn't stopped aching more ever since, knowing the kind of horror my husband and best friend went through.

I forced myself out of my thoughts and looked at my surroundings to distract my mind. My eyes catch Matteo’s. The way he pulls out strategies and the wise knowledge he has about the dark part of the world, is quite strange for a mere attorney. The way he carries himself, the surety in his step, is of a person of importance.

"You are an attorney, right? How are you in support of this part of the world?" I squinted my eyes at Matteo.

His silk dark blue shirt glinted under the silver rim lights as he gave a small smile in return. "People in this part of the world also need an attorney. Besides, I only work for one person."

“Who?” The curiosity can be heard in my voice.

“If I give you a name, I won’t be doing my job, Zaria.” His answer is vague but clears the fact that his client’s name is confidential. Someone at a really high position, if I had to guess.

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