Ch. 16 || Star girl

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Zaria 🌹

I Stood next to the huge double doors as Evelyn, Cora and Caroline joined behind me. I adjusted the edge of my gown as the butler opened the doors and the brightness of the lights was almost blinding.

I walked into the hallway and looked around. The staircase I was walking down was a pair of two curved stairs ending at a platform and then making way to another set of staircases, this one straight down.

The golden chandeliers dawning the roofs, taper candles resting on candle bars, floors and walls shining like a mirror and a strong yet aromatic smell in the air, the whole thing felt like straight out of Emma Watson's Beauty and the Beast when she comes down in her yellow gown.

The spotlight is on me, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I try to keep my breaths steady and stop thinking about the fact that I have to face hundreds of people in a minute.

Looking around, taking in the beauty, I try not to have an anxiety attack and run back the way I came.

Just breathe. I tell myself.

At the end of the stairs, Damien comes into my view, as if waiting for me. At that, my heart caught in my throat. He was wearing an all black three piece suit. Perfectly hugging his body. Sin in suit, that's what he is.

His eyes met mine and then, for the first time, I saw something in him I never saw or even thought about before. But I couldn't decipher the emotion in his eyes. He looked at me the way I always wanted to be looked at. Love, if I were to be a fool, I'd believe it's love in his eyes.

I always used to question myself. "I know how it feels to look at someone with love but I don't know how it feels when someone looks at you with love ?"

I wish this was the moment when I get my answer but only a fool will believe that the great Damien Erik will show love much less any emotion.

I was about to step on the floor but Damien climbed two steps up and offered me his hand. Right now, I have a great opportunity to humiliate him in front of everyone by refusing his hand.

But that means disrespecting his family, and I don't want to insult them in any way just because of my hate for Damien.

So unfortunately, I took his hand and stood by his side. The lights of the hall turned on one by one. There were at least five dozen people in front of us clapping and cheering for us. There wasn't a half of the city present like I thought it would. But thankfully it's not, otherwise I'd have had 2 panic attacks by now. But the pressure is still on.

A few politicians, celebrities, big businessmen, some people with cameras who I am not sure are shooting the event or paparazzi, and a few familiar faces from my side.

Fred ; Damien's dad, held the mic and gave greetings and a toast to everyone. After him, Damien refused to speak anything so Fred gave me the mic.

I've attended enough book signings events so I had enough confidence to speak a few words even if it were a lie. No, i Don't lie to my readers but sometimes when I get too exhausted, I've to put a fake smile on.

After some time chatting, engaging with people I looked around, Evelyn chatted with her husband while Cora and Caroline were already enjoying the food. Nico ; thia's boyfriend on a phone call. Dad standing by Damien's side. Damien is talking with two other men, ignoring my dad's presence. And Cade is nowhere to be seen. And Thia, She said she will not attend my engagement party and just came to get me ready.

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