Ch. 2 || Arrogant Billionaire

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Zaria 🌹

"He'll be here any minute. Try not to embarrass me please" dad whispered in my ear, fake smile on his face. Pretending like a good father having a good conversation with his good daughter. But that was all fake.

He patted my back and gave me an innocent smile and continued chatting with Fred Erik.

We're sitting at a round table. Me, dad and Fred, his bodyguard and personal secretary standing behind him.

"That was the toughest one to crack." Fred laughed with my dad. Talking about their business and cases. Fred might be in his mid 60s but he looked like in his late 40s. He has gold brown hair and is clean shaved. He looked fit and fine.

And his wife, Mahika, talking with her friends to the other side of the enormous hall. She looks so elegant and beautiful. She has dark black hair and light skin. She also looked way too young for her age.

Her daughter Abby, standing by her side. She is as beautiful as her mom, who recently celebrated her 20th birthday.

While my dad and Fred were talking about their life and other things, I took an inventory of the event.

All the tables were beautifully decorated and matched the theme. The ballroom wasn't overly decorated, like it was not showered in gold and super flashy lights that will stab into your eyes.

Instead it was slightly dark pastel colours. blue high-ceilinged Victorian walls, Dark blue beam lights projecting on the walls. Large round tables covering each corner of the room. White table cloth laying on them and minimal white decorative plates, flowers, candles etc... There was a dance floor in the middle of the room. Some couples were dancing there to the melody, some people at the bar , some people sitting at the table, probably discussing business and Market. The atmosphere was pleasant. I had already chatted with Few acquaintances.

The event is almost close to end and Damien Erik is still not here.

Though I don't know him personally, I have heard some things about his power, wealth and his cruelty from my friends and even from the news.

There was a talk about Damien that he destroyed the previous prime minister's whole career and when the PM went bankrupt, his dead body was found 6-7 feet under the ground. His body was brutally beaten and when the doctors did an autopsy, they found worms inside his body. There's no proof that Damien did that but the people of high profile tend to believe that Damien is the one behind the murder.

I can feel nausea in my stomach.

I don't know what that man truly is but I do know that I should stay far away from him.

I excused myself from the table and walked towards the main entrance door.

I wore a long black fit and flare dress. It was plain black, golden curb chains attached to the chest of the dress travelled to my neck, curb chains holding the dress together. The soft material hugged perfectly to my curves.

My phone buzzed in my bag, I opened the zipper and pulled out my phone, Cade's name on the screen.

"hey" i spoke tiredly, after picking up.

"What's wrong ?" Cade asked, catching the hint of sadness in my voice.

We've been best friends for 9 years, he knows me more than I know myself. He is practically my big brother by now.

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