Ch. 61 || Book 🌶️

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Zaria 🥀

I lay my head back against the headboard of the guestroom which has been Thia’s for quite some time now. The room is dark as she sits beside me, the moonlight seeping in made her beautiful skin glow. This is where I have been sleeping ever since I'm back. I spend each second of the day with Damien, but at night, I sleep in the arms of my sister whose warmth reminds me of mother's.

After the terrific shootout that happened earlier, I thought it'd leave Anaya completely traumatised. After coming back upstairs, she said she knows that Lucien is a dangerous man and she wasn't expecting anything to be completely safe. But I wonder how that can excuse her calmness? For any normal person, the things would be traumatic enough to haunt them at night. She is an actress as well, so maybe she was just acting like she was okay. I will check on her tomorrow.

"Have some rest, little one." Thia whispered, planting a soft skin on my forehead, pulling me out of my overthinking.

I took her hand and stopped her when she turned around. She tilted her head back at me.

"Have some time?" I asked her politely; she sat back again on the bed with a gentle and warm smile on her face.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked, trying to keep the shake in my voice controlled. George deserved what I did, but he was her father too.

Her eyes turned lazy as she gently squeezed my hand. "No. He deserved what he got. Honestly, there were so many moments where I wanted to kill him myself but I looked at you and thought, how will it affect our relationship? Our life? I didn’t want you to push me away."

My eyes were misty. I don't regret killing him, I am used to death now, but still, for some reasons, I feel guilty for taking away her father even though he was evil.

Thia gently cupped my cheek. "I will always love you, Zaria. No matter what, you are the most precious gift I have, you are my favourite part of life. Even if I die, I will always watch over you to keep you safe."

I gave her a death stare. "If you die, I will follow after you."

“Your husband won’t allow it, and neither will I.” She chuckled and gave me her warm hug. I don't remember so much about my past life mother but I know that, if she were to reincarnate, she’d be Thia.

Remembering my mother, something clicks in my mind and I speak again. "You know, I have always felt our mother to be around us, I have always felt some kind of safety knowing her and that day when I was about to shoot George, I saw her. I saw our mother. She looked back at me with her eyes full of hurt but she nodded her head at me. And ever since George died, I haven't felt her around. Was she waiting for this moment? For the justice ?"

Thia looked surprised, her lips parted halfway. Tears immediately pooled in her eyes as my words sank into her mind.  She pulled her lips inside her mouth, cupping them together for a while before she placed her hand gently on my right arm and spoke again.

"She is finally at the peace."

⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅

Damien: I want you here in the next 2 minutes or you will have your sweet punishment.

My cheeks heat as I read the text. Though a small part of me was pissed at his arrogance, another part made the heat between my legs raise at the thought of what he would do to punish me. I missed this.

I do want him to touch me, I want him to be inside of me but every time I think of sex, I can still feel Lucien and the trauma of that molten iron rod against my skin.

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