Ch. 36 || Death

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Damien 🥀

I used to believe I didn't have a heart but now that I do have one now, it's deeply scarred. I'm Dwelling in the memories of her. Even when I force myself out of her thoughts, she's always there. I once took a vow to hate her forever but now all I want is to kiss her forever and never let go of her. She's my only source of peace.

I've lived like a man without a heart. Without any mercy on people even if they were innocent.

But she gave me a new meaning of life. She made me feel alive and i would be damned if i don't show her just how much i fucking love her.

Leaving the conference room behind, I started walking towards my office. With managing directors and my team walking behind me, my assistant to my other side. Our shoes clack on the marble floor. I see my little sister Abby standing outside of my office, Hanging her backpack on her shoulder. She is supposed to be in University at this time.

Anger churns up in my core when I see her red and swollen eyes. I excuse my team away and walk inside my office with Abby. When I close the door behind, she instantly hugs me and starts crying.

"What happened ?" I tried my best to control my anger. Whoever hurt her is about to die today.

"I went to my university as usual a-and," her voice shuttered. "There's this guy in my class - Adein who is the son of the chairman. He usually bullies me but today, H-he g-groped me in front of e-everyone."

My nails dug into my hands as I fisted them really hard until I drew out a little blood from my skin. The vein in my temple throb but I need to be patient and comfort my little sister first.

"Did you report it ?" I asked, sternly but trying to get softness in my voice which is impossible when I have spent my life being cold and emotionless.

"Even if I did, there wouldn't be any help for me. He's the chairman's youngest son. I have reported about the bullying but they never took any action." Her black eyes filled with tears.

"I'll take care of them." I hugged her and patted her back comfortably.

She could easily take my name and threaten them but she doesn't flex our status or my power. That's one of the many things I like about her. But anyway, it doesn't give the world the right to act this way with any woman.

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I slide my car window down and through the binoculars I see Aiden and his friends sitting in the woods. The fire camp illuminates their surroundings in the breezy night. Three boys, two are taking weeds and Aiden is holding a gun in his hand. He gives some cash to one of his friends. Probably buying the gun.

I get out of my car. Wearing a black hoodie and a black plastic mask on my face, copying Cade's style definitely. It comes handy at times like this.

I drag the hood over my head and pull out the gun from my back side. I pace towards them. After walking in the woods, I kept my steps slow, trying not to crack any leaves under my feets as I stood behind a tree.

I stayed hidden and shot two bullets in his friend's legs. Aiden almost dropped the gun in his hands and then trembled to hold it steady. His eyes scanned the tree lines in fear. When I thought he couldn't be more scared, I stepped in front of him and saw him piss his pants.

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