Ch. 39 || The Night Mission

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Damien 🥀

Trigger warnings ⚠️
Mention of rape. Sex/human trafficking. Blood and torture. Disrespectful mention of Jesus.

"I truly love this time of the day." Liz gushed as she tied her blonde hair in a ponytail.

"Looks like you still aren't satisfied. " I say looking around the bloodied floor.

The dark basement with no windows is filled with the smell of these pathetic men's blood.

"When is she ever." Thia spoke, tipping on her toes making sure the blood doesn't get on her boots.

Another large man attacked her from behind but she flipped him over in a split second and stabbed her dagger right into the side of his neck. She didn't even flinch in her place and continued walking making sure to stay away from the blood on the floor.

She is one of our best Assassins for a reason. Our second-best Assassin Liz, follows behind her. Both Thia and Liz untied the girls who were tied by the pillars. My team burst in and escorted the women outside. Their lifeless eyes lit up with hope and trust. Some of them have bruised bodies and some can't even walk properly because of their injuries.

No matter what, I feel proud of each and every woman, kid and boy here for surviving. For not giving up. In these types of situations, there's nothing much left for a victim to do to save themselves but staying alive, especially when the monsters are leeching off their souls is itself an act of bravery.

Me and Cade may have started 'The Hunters' for our own revenge but along the way, saving these people became our main motive. We don't plan on shutting off our underground organisation even after our revenge is taken. It'll forever rule and haunt the hideous monsters in the underworld.

Our organisation is not entirely worldwide yet. Just in a few countries so far. We plan to establish it everywhere on the earth. I'm aware it won't happen in my lifetime since it'll take many more upcoming years to achieve the goal, but our next generation will take over and rule the world.

It doesn't matter if it'll go through the bloodline or not. The next hunters will be the people who will have the passion like me and Cade, who will give their blood and sweat for this cause, who will be as bloodthirsty of the demons and devoted to saving people as we are.

When I step outside the house, I see Liz and Thia standing together by the medic team. Parked right in the backyard lawn of the mansion. The cold breeze of New York brushed against my skin when I removed my leather gloves. For the public records, I'm in LA, but I'm actually in New York for The Hunters' mission.

It's evening and I'm already hungry. Even though I don't have the stomach to eat anything after what happened inside now, I still have to because I'm going to need more energy for an even bigger mission tonight.

"As much as I feel bad for the women, I really enjoyed torturing these bastards. It feels good to see them beg for their pathetic life when there's no chance in hell for them to escape." Liz said, clad in her black Assassin dress, same as other Assassins around. She's entirely covered in tattoos over her dark skin.

"Then I guess, you would like to go to Seattle for the next mission which specifically involves torturing some politicians."

My team handles material activities like executing plans, assassinations, busting sex rings, saving people, undercover missions, and whatnot. Cade's team handles all the technology and hacking, searching for the next mission, watch over, digging the dark web for information and tabs, controls mercenaries and many more.

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