Ch. 66 || Control 🌶️

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Zaria 🥀

"What did she say?" I asked Damien. I lay my head on his shoulder and held the shawl tight around me in the cold night. We're sitting by the shores, the waves crashing against our feet and going backwards before it reaches beneath us. The water fills the gap in the sand which is caused by my shoes each time a new wave comes. It is satisfying to see the gap completely easing as new sand fills up.

"Nothing much. She just asked about you and declined the call." Damien says tiredly looking at the night sky filled with sparkling stars.

After that little threat of his, he asked me to accompany him for a walk on the beach. Tonight will be hard to sleep peacefully anyway. This time he didn't call the bodyguards because we wanted to have our special moment. Just the two of us. There's nothing to fear anyway because they have activated a device that detects any movement that comes through the water on this land, if it sees anything suspicious, that is not any aquatic animal, all the alarms will start blaring.

The weather is not so good for a normal 'walk on the beach'. Thunderbolts are striking the sky, the sea is churning up and the wind is heavy. But then again, Damien and I want nothing normal.

"Just give her some time. I know it's hard for her too." I replied as I wrapped my hands around his bicep. His both arms rested on his raised knees.

His mother is barely talking to him. She does care for him but as a mother, she can't choose between him and Lucien. Well, that was before she found out what Lucien did to me. When she found out, she wanted Lucien to deserve whatever fate he will receive but it still hurts her knowing that her own son is a murderer of her another one. She and Fred often visited me in the city, they even sent a lot of gifts and well wishes. His mother calls me daily to check on me. I really appreciate that and it just warms my heart, knowing it must be hard for her.

"She loves you." I gently remind him.

"I know. I will never think otherwise. When I had returned home after escaping the experiment, she gave up everything and looked after me. Giving me all of her affection and love, to show me light so the trauma wouldn't grip on me. And that was the only time she neglected Lucien and Abby. It's not like she didn't love them that time, it's just she was more focused on me. To heal me. I am grateful to her for that."

His statement reminds me of something. "Once Lucien had told me about his past, about how his friends bullied him and about your grandmother? Is that true?" Taking his name on my tongue churned my stomach with acid.

Damien nodded. "Ever since we were little, I was his only friend. The friends who neglected him, weren't even really friends to me. Just classmates. You wouldn't believe it, but Lucien and I were enough for each other. Mom, dad and my grandfather loved him equally but my grandmother would abuse him. I was so little to stop it so I told my mother about it. She has never thought Lucien as not her biological son, she loved him just the way she did me, so she asked grandmother to leave the house and never come anywhere near her children. My grandfather supported my mother and so did my father. Years later my grandparents both died due to their health issues in old age."

My heart clenched tight. "Do you miss the old him? The one who was your brother and not Adrian?"

Damien looked at me, something dangerous flickered in his eyes. "No. Just because he turned himself into Adrian doesn't give him a reason to do what he did. Evil is always residing within a person, it has always been in Lucien all his life, even if he didn't acknowledge it."

I suck in a sharp breath as I reply "You know, there's no such thing as wrong and right in the world. We Humans are no one to determine the rules. It's all about perspective. A person can determine what is wrong as per their psychology, as per their way of living and from where they have come. Though, there's no excuse to why Lucien did what he did, but according to his experience of life, he definitely thinks it was the right thing to do. He surely will pay for that, because I didn't deserve the suffering he gave me just because he failed his life miserably."

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