Ch. 73 || The Revenge

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I softly brush my fingers over my sister’s photo. She is smiling bright here—a smile only reserved for me— as her arms were wrapped around my shoulders from behind. My face here is one of surprise. This is a Polaroid picture one of my friends took when we were at dinner and Thia was training at Vitalis. She secretly showed up and surprised me in the restaurant. I was stunned whether I should cherish the moment she showed up or cry because I had missed her so much.

She has raised me, taught me how to walk, taught me how to live life, taught me about human behaviour and psychology. Like Damien had said, I don't remember the time between my age 6 to 11. The five years of my life. I didn't know I had lost my memory until Damien revealed it and when I asked Thia, she told me that she had always stayed besides me. She even showed me the album she had kept from that time. Even when my father would take me to the doctors, Thia would insist to come with me and she'd hold my hand all the time.

Now, she isn't there to hold my hand. She isn’t here to make me laugh, to surprise me with her appearance when I am missing her. She never will be. And with her, a small part of my soul is lost. I feel numb. My body was cold and deadening. Until Damien made me think about Thia seeing me like this.

She has sacrificed a lot of her for my happiness. She would be hurt whenever I was depressed or disconsolate. Would she ever wish to see me walking like a dead person with no will to live? No. If I'm hurt, she will be hurt too. Moreover, she will blame herself for not being a good sister, and I don't want that.

I am going to rebuild myself for my baby and for my husband. And for Thia. If she was here and knew that I'm pregnant, she would be the happiest. She would be the first one to do my maternity shopping, go to doctor’s appointment and maintain a healthy food diet for me. She would celebrate and scream to the world that she is going to be an aunt again. Even the visualisation of seeing her actually doing that, brings a smile to my face. My throat aches from the sobs I'm holding back.

I was mad at Damien at first, thinking about the days when he had caused Thia's accident and she had almost died. But it wasn't his fault. I was punishing him for something he didn't do. I needed to direct my anger at someone and he was the first in the line of fire, too close to something like this happening before.

Yes, he did risk Thia's life but he wasn't the reason behind her death. The shock was too extreme for me to harbour and I shifted my fears on his shoulders, blaming him. I regret doing that. Had he known the bullet was coming, he would have never let Thia step between. He would have protected her.

The creek of the door opening hauled me out of my thoughts. I glanced up and saw Damien stepping inside. He closed the door behind me and walked towards me. My heart raced in his vicinity, no matter how much I let myself become full of him, it still never is enough. I bet even if we're in our 90s, I will still feel my heart flutter with his name, his eyes, in his proximity, in his love.

Our love will forever be young and wild.

Coming closer, he kissed my forehead and took my chin in his two fingers. His skin burned on me like a fire, except this fire is harmless.

“Ready?” He asked.

“Yes.” I nodded in response.

He takes a step back and picks up my sword which was placed against the wall to my left. He holds it up in his hands and looks at me.

“The end is here.” His voice is lethal.

I stood up from the couch and stepped towards him, placing back the photo under the pocket of my black jacket.“The beginning is here.”

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