Ch 34 || Hypnosis

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Cade 🚬

A chill run down my spine at his mention. Add to that, a hot burn swirls in my core when I see the art of Sepehr Kastor and immediately recognise the face. It's the same face I see in my dreams. When I'm dreaming and see myself in the mirror, instead of my own face, there's a strange unknown face that reflects back. That face now has a name- Sepehr Kastor.

"Is that really how they look? Or it's just a fragment of an artist's imagination?" I ask. My eyes fixed on the portrait. The metal of my ring’s cools against my skin as I brush my fingers on my nape.

Alfred looks up at me and says. "These ones right here, are just copies of the original paintings which perfectly describe their real faces."

Everything about this is unsettling.

"How did Sepehr do that? And if he actually can manipulate time and space, is he still alive?" Zaria asked, her eyes fixed on every illustration shown on the paper.

Alfred sighed and took off his glasses and wiped them before walking to the fireplace. He adjusted firewood and began speaking.

"We don't know how Adrian was as a lover but he had crossed barriers and battled with enemies to find Thora. It took him a long time. Around two years, but he got to Thora anyway, no matter what, he found her. But not the same woman, not the same princess. He found a woman who was madly in love with Helios, a queen of ashes."

"Helios and Thora didn't marry. They didn't need to marry for her to ascend the throne. With that in mind, Adrian took his last hope and announced a battle between him and Helios. Whoever wins, will have the woman. Thora wasn't pleased with this but Helios Vincent was known as a man of his words who didn't back away from any challenges and threats. Then…, The night of tragedy arrived."

Alfred walked to the window, looking outside at the heavy rain and a lightning struck across the sky, and within a second the electricity was gone. The only remaining light was from candles and fireplace.

"Sepehr knew how passionately his sister loved Helios, he didn't need any other reason than that to take Helios's side in the battlefield. Helios had one of the most powerful people, a Trump Card on his side. But even with that it wasn't enough, because Adrian had one of Helios' trusted men on his side. Silas Vincent, Helios’ uncle and the royal advisor. "

"Silas despised Thora. He despised the way Helios risked his own kingdom for her. He wanted to get rid of Thora the very first day she walked into Helios's life. Time to time, Helios neglected Silas's advice for her. Adrian promised Silas the throne of Kallistar in return for Helios's vulnerabilities and secrets."

Another lightning strike flashed blue in the room. “There’s not much information on the exact events which happened that night but the battle took place on a jagged-up cliff on a cold night when the ocean swirled in anger. All of—"

Zaria abruptly stood and started speaking, her voice an octave deep than her normal voice. “One of her lovers pushed her into the ocean and she drowned to death. Both the men fought to death after that, and her brother couldn't bear the loss of his sister. He wanted to avenge the people who did wrong to her so he used all his power to manipulate the universe into reincarnating them in the next upcoming 10,000 years. The power was too much to take so he died too."

My stance froze and my mind raced with questions. I'm too surprised at what she just said but I'm more surprised at how the fuck I know all this too? I have never heard of them before and yet I already know so much. I walked to Zaria and held her hand. She looked confused back and forth between me and Alfred.

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