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"frickin' statues"


As Hayley stood in the kitchen of the Swan's residence, she looked at the snow with a heavy heart. After Bella took a trip to Seattle and discovered why Alice truly left, she's been more and more on edge.

The Volturi were coming for all of them, and she truly didn't know if her whole family was going to make it out alive. She pulled her gaze from the snow, to her husband. He was holding their daughter in one arm, and their son in the other. Both babies were mesmerized by the sparkling lights and decorations.

"You alright, baby?" Ellen asked, noticing the far away look on her daughter's face.

Hayley snapped out of her thoughts, turning to look at her mom. "Yeah, I just..." She trailed off to gather her thoughts. "Mom, can I ask you a serious question?"

Ellen frowned. "Of course," She said.

"Emmett and Rose are the twin's godparents," She began, taking a deep breath. "Alice saw something in her vision. Something that was bad enough to make her run. If this all goes south, and we're in over our heads, will you please make sure my babies grow up happy?"

Ellen's eyes softened. She quickly wrapped her arms around her daughter, hugging her tightly. "You can't let the negative thoughts cloud your mind," she said. "We're hoping for a discussion, not a fight. And if it comes to that, the Volturi don't stand a chance. Charlie and I will watch them, and be waiting for you to come home."

Hayley smiled at the woman, feeling so lucky. "God, momma, what did our lives become?" She questioned with a small chuckle.

"Well you're married with twins and I'm dating the town cop," she smiled. "I'd say we're doing pretty damn good considering."

Jasper walked into the kitchen with a smiled and two babbling babies in his arms. Hayley took JJ into her hands and kissed his chubby cheeks. "I think Renesmee is ready to open gifts," he informed the two.

"Present time! Lets go!" Charlie clapped from the living room. "Jack, stop eating."

"My mom's cookies are too good," Jack argued with his mouth full.

Charlie sighed. "Jake, you start," he said.

Hayley sat on the couch next to her husband and watched Jake give Renesmee a gift.

"Well, dad, we didn't have time to wrap yours," Bella said, handing him an envelope. "But here it is. It's a five day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Ellen."

"You leave tomorrow," Hayley said. "We got you a big beautiful cabin so the twins can go with!"

"Babies on a fishing trip?" Charlie questioned, looking to his girlfriend.

Ellen nodded her head. "Hayley and Jasper have some.. private matters to attend to out of town, so I offered. I didn't think they'd force us out of town so quickly," she said, looking over at them.

"Surprise," Hayley smiled.

"Wow, that's really nice. Thank you," Charlie said, shaking his head. "Tomorrow? I-I can't leave tomorrow."

"I already made arrangements for you at work, dear," Ellen told him.

"Sneaky," Charlie said. "And extravagant."

"And non-refundable. I'm afraid," Edward told him.

"You guys trying to get rid of me?" Charlie asked, making them freeze. "Cause it's working! Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cuttthroat."

"We might even hook a Rainbow, or some Bulls," Ellen stated, taking a seat on his laps.

"Woman knows her trout," he smirked.

Bella bent down to put on the gift Jacob made her daughter. It was a woven bracelet with a charm, reminding the girl of the one he made her so long ago.

Hayley and Jasper got the twins a bunch of new toys to celebrate the holiday with. JJ has been obsessed with anything that lights up, and Mary loves to make noise. Jasper got his wife a beautiful new necklace, and she got him a few new books and a "#1 DAD" shirt.


After a tearful goodbye with the babies, Hayley and Jasper made their way to the woods to camp with the rest of their new friends and family. Hayley was freezing, shivering beside her husband as she watched Jake slowly build a fire.

"Can you move any faster! Some of us have normal body temperatures and are freezing their ass off!" She scolded, making Benjamin chuckle.

"I-I a-agree," Ara said, her teeth chattering.

Jake rolled his eyes and dropped the wood down. Benjamin used his gift to conjure fire, and Hayley relaxed at the feeling of warmth. "Now that's what I'm talking about," she smiled.

Jake took a seat beside John on the log. "A little pre-battle bonfire," he said. "Telling war stories. Or just standing there like frickin' statues."

Garrett flashed over and joined them around the fire. "Name any American battle, I was there," he said.

Hayley smiled up at her husband, noticing the small smirk on his lips. Although he wasn't proud of the time he served in the war, he loved telling a good war story as much as the next.

"Little bighorn," John named.

"I came this close to biting Custer," Garrett said, holding up his fingers. "But the indians got him first."

Kate appeared, sitting on his lap. "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople," She said. "He didn't win that one of his won."

The Irish coven appeared. "If you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven Year's War," Liam said. "No one does rebellion quite like the Irish."

"But you lost the Eleven Years' War," Hayley pointed out, laying her head on her husband's shoulder.

"Aye, but it was one hell of a rebellion," Liam said, and the few around the fire chuckled.

As the fire continued to burn, the stories continued. The vampires, wolves, and dhampirs bonded over their fight to live, their fight for pleasure, and their fight for family. Hayley felt comfort in knowing they would all have each other's back on the battle field.


Hayley laid on Jasper's chest inside their tent. She needed to sleep, but was too nervous to close her eyes. She knew as soon as the sun rose, their enemy would be in there territory.

"Darling?" Jasper questioned quietly, and Hayley hummed in response. "I can feel your anxiety. Are you alright?"

Hayley slowly nodded her head. "I am nervous for tomorrow," she admitted.

Jasper tightened his hold around her waist and kissed her head. "Everything will be fine, I promise," he assured.

Hayley sighed. "Just..." she trailed off. "Just come back to me, okay?"

Jasper stared up at the ceiling. He could see the snow landing on the top of the tent, but didn't know how to respond. He knew, if it came to it, he would lay his life down for his family. He always would.

"I love you, Hayley," he told her. "Get some sleep."

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