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"she'll get away"


Victoria was back.

Bella was sent away with Edward for her own safety, so Hayley and the remaining Cullens decided to end it. Alice had already seen her, thanks to her gift. She knew where Victoria was going to be.

The vampires and the dhampir stood in the dark forest, waiting. Victoria would be passing though at any time, so they were all ready.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked.

"She's almost here," Alice replied, as Florence stepped closer to her.

Hayley and Jasper shared a look, grasping each other's hands. The dhampir slowly took out her stake as her eyes flashed yellow. She was the fastest, so she had to be ready.

A vision flashed through Alice's mind. "On your left!" She announced.

The family took off after Victoria, Hayley leading the way with Emmett behind her. Hayley jumped into the air, reaching out to grab the vampire, but Victoria was faster. The vampire turned around and grabbed Hayley, throwing her into a nearby tree.

Hayley let out a groan of pain as he body slammed into the tree truck, and onto the ground. "I'm okay," she quickly assured the family, before getting up and running after Victoria again.

The Cullens came to a stop when Victoria jumped over the stream and into the wolves territory. "Wait! She's in their territory," Carlisle told them.

"I can go," Hayley told them.

Without waiting for their response, the dhampir took a running start and jumped over the stream. She landed on her feet and began chasing after Victoria again, with the Cullen's running along the other side of the stream.

"She'll get away!" Esme yelled.

"No she won't!" Jasper said, watching as the wolves joined his fiance in the chase.

When Hayley got close enough, she grabbed a hold of Victoria, causing them both to stumble. The two fought a little bit, but when the wolves got too close, Victoria took off again.

"Back off!" Hayley yelled at the two wolves, her eyes burning yellow.

The dhampir turned around and ran after Victoria again, her speed much faster than the vampire's. Victoria jumped across the stream again, and Hayley followed.

The vampire stumbled as she landed, but quickly composed herself and took off running. Hayley threw her stake at Victoria, the metal weapon landing in a tree inches from her head. Hayley didn't bother to retrieve it, she just continued to run after the vampire.

Emmett managed to catch up, anger motivating him. Victoria used the trees as an advantage, jumping high in the air to get rid of the two closes to her. Jasper went after her as she did this, jumping high in the air to grab her. Victoria twisted her body at the last second, causing Jasper to land on the ground with a harsh thud.

Victoria jumped over the stream again, and this time, Emmett followed. As Victoria landed and continued running, Paul came out of no where and attacked Emmett, pushing the vampire into the water.

The two growled at each other, both wanting to pick a fight. "I told you to back off!" Hayley yelled at Paul. "She got away because of you!"


Hayley winced in pain as Carlisle wrapped a bandage around her torso. "You have three cracked ribs," he informed. "I can't say how long it will take to heal, but I can give you something for the pain."

"It should only take a day," Hayley told Carlisle.

"You're lucky that's all it takes," he said with a sigh. "I hate that you're in danger because of our kind."

"I can handle myself Carlisle," Hayley assured. "As long as Bella is okay, I wouldn't care if the entire Volturi was after me."

Carlisle smiled. "The bond you share is incredible," he told her.

"It truly is," Hayley agreed.

A small knock on the door interrupted their conversation. They both looked to see Jasper in the doorway, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I'll give you two a second," Carlisle said before leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asked, looking at her bruised and bandaged torso.

Hayley nodded her head as she grabbed her shirt and put it back on. "Just a few cracked ribs, nothing too serious," she told him.

"Hayley.." Jasper trailed off.

"We've been over this, Jaz," she said with a sigh. "Protecting Bella isn't going to kill me."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Jasper said.

"True.. but you'll have to get used to it," Hayley said.

Jasper smiled, "You're lucky I love you."

Hayley smiled as she leaned in and kissed him. "Lucky enough for you to put a ring on it," she said with a soft laugh.

Thank you all so much for 1k votes!! ✨💞🧚🏻‍♀️🥰

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