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"don't touch her"


After walking through many hallways and an awkward elevator ride, they finally arrived. The head Volturi members sat upon thrown-type chairs in the middle on a large dome room. If she wasn't in danger, Hayley would've loved to stop and take a picture of the beautiful architecture. Looking around the room, she noticed Jasper was being held back by a few men. Her heart yearned for him, and all she wanted to do was run into his arms.

"Sister. They send you to get one and you bring back four," a brown-haired man said. "Such a clever girl."

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending." Aro walked over to Edward and grabbed a hold of his hand. "They are so rare. Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty," Edward answered.

"Yes, I can see that," Aro chuckled.

"Aro can read every thought I've ever head with one touch," Edward explained to the girls before pulling his hand away. "And now you know everything. So get on with it."

"You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating," Aro said. "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well. Would you do me the honor?"

Bella hestitated for a moment before reluctantly stepping forward and giving Aro her hand. Everyone watched in anticipation to see if Aro could, but when he pulled way with a shocked expression, everyone knew he couldn't.

"Interesting. I see nothing," he said, staring at her. "Let us see if she's immune to all of our powers. Shall we, Jane?"

"No!" Edward said, charging towards Jane.

"Pain," Jane said, stopping Edward in his tracks.

"Stop!" Bella screamed, watching him fall to the ground. "Stop, please. Stop!"

A man came over and grabbed Bella, holding her back. Hayley growled at the man touching Bella, quickly grabbing him and pushing him away from her.

"Just stop hurting him, please. Please!" Bella shouted from behind Hayley.

"Jane?" Aro said.

The blonde stopped. "Master?" she asked.

"Go ahead, my dear," Aro said.

"No!" Hayley shouted, but a few men came and held her back. Jasper thrashed around at the sight of her being restained.

"This may hurt just a little," Jane said, looking at Bella.

When nothing happened, Aro laughed excitedly. "Remarkable. She confounds us all," he said. "So what do we do with you now?"

"You already know what you're going to do, Aro," one of the men said.

"She knows too much," another said. "She's a liability."

"That's true," Aro said sadly. "Felix?"

"Don't touch her!" Hayley yelled, thrashing around.

The dhampir swung her leg up and kicked one of the vampires in the face, making him let go. With her one hand free, she grabbed her stake and stabbed the other one. She looked to Bella to see Edward was back on his feet protecting her, as well as Alice. Jasper fought the men who kept him restrained, growling loudly as he slammed them against the wall.

The vampire Hayley kicked in the face recovered and advanced towards her. She could see the cracks that spread across his marble skin from the impact of the kick. As she growled at him, veins under her eyes appeared and her canines grew into fangs.

This was the price she had to pay for coming back.

Ignoring the new features, the dhampir was quick to jump into the air and punch the weak side of the man's face, the skin shattering on impact.

With the two men dead, Hayley panted and looked over to see what was happening. Jasper was still fighting against a man, Alice was put in a head lock, and Edward was on his knees in front of the throne-like chairs, about to be executed.

"Please! No! No! Please, please!" Bella cried, and Aro stopped. "Kill me! Kill me! Not him."

"Bella!" Hayley gasped.

"How extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster," Aro said, looking back at Edward.

"Just get away from her!" Edward panted.

"You don't know a thing about his soul," Bella said.

Aro spoke in Italian, confusing Bella and Hayley. "This is a sadness," he stated. "If only it were your intention to give her immortality."

Aro inched closer to Bella, and Hayley was quick to rush over and get between them. "Wait!" Alice called out. "Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself."

Alice walked over to Aro, taking off her glove to show him her vision. Hayley pulled Bella away from the Voturi leader, her eyes still burning yellow.

"Mesmerizing. To see what you have seen before it has happened." Aro said, turning back towards Bella, who was hidden behind Hayley. "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal, Isabella. Go now. Make your preparations."

"Let us be done with this," a man said.

"I would advise you that you follow through on your promise soon," Caius said. "We do not offer second chances."

With the fight finally over, Hayley picked up her stake and put it back in it's holster. She turned around, coming face-to-face with Jasper. The two rushed to each other, embracing in a tight hug.

"You are powerful for being so young, dhampir," Aro said, smiling at the two.

"Keep that in mind," Hayley muttered, as she grabbed Jasper's hand and walked out.

On the way out of the building, a large group of tourists past them. They were all talking amongst themselves and taking pictures. Hayley felt her heart drop when she realized they were walking to their death. Once the group of tourists walked into the dome room, the screaming began. Swallowing her guilt, Hayley continued walking out of the building, not daring to look back.

One more chapter!!

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