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"never again"


In a swift motion, Hayley shot up with a gasp. The sound of crying babies filled her ears as she looked around the room. She blinked a few times to clear her vision, a confused look on her face. She was unsure as to where she was, and what happened. All she could remember was Bella giving birth to a baby girl before everything went black.

"Hayley?" Someone whispered, their voice tight with emotion.

The dhampir turned her head to find her husband staring at her with two fussing babies in his arms. "Jazz?" Hayley said, her voice hoarse. "What happened?"

The babies stopped crying when they recognized their mom. "I was so worried," the vampire said, walking closer to his wife. "Bella died during birth, and-and I thought you were going to die, too. You've been out for almost 2 days. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine," Hayley told him. "Is Bella.. Is she gone?"

Jasper shook his head, "She's in transition."

"Oh, my God," Hayley gasped, laying back down. "I'm not her dhampir anymore."

JJ cooed as he stared at his mom, a little smile pulling at his lips. Jasper handed his son to Hayley, who quickly took the baby into her arms. "You're not Bella's dhampir anymore, but you are Renesmee's," he told her.

Hayley looked away from her son, "Is Renesmee okay?"

"She's perfect. She's growing a little faster than normal, but she's perfectly healthy," Jasper told her. "But, you should probably know that Jacob imprinted on her."

The dhampir's eyes widened, "He did what?"

"He had no control over it," he explained. "But if he hadn't imprinted, the wolves would've killed us and Renesmee."

Mary Ellen began to cry in her dad's arms, the high-pitch wails causing Hayley's breasts to painfully throb. Hayley looked down at her chest, noticing how swollen and heavily engorged with milk her boobs were. "I haven't pumped or fed them in days," she stated, tears filling her eyes. "Did they eat? Have they been starving because of me?"

Jasper grabbed Hayley's hand, feeling her overwhelming postpartum hormones. "You already had a few bottles filled, babe. They've been eating, don't worry," he told her.

Hayley took Mary Ellen into her arms and began to breastfeed both of the babies. She tearfully looked down at them as the painful pressure in her breasts slowly faded. "Mommy will never leave you again, I promise," she told the twins.

Jasper wiped a tear from Hayley's cheek as he cupped her face. "I was so worried you weren't going to wake up," he whispered. "I missed you so much."

"You're never going to lose me, Jasper. Never again," she told him. "I promised you forever. I'm not going to break that promise."

"I love you so much," Jasper said.

They leaned in to share a kiss when Hayley suddenly cried out in pain. She looked down at her son to find him gripping a handful of her hair. "I can't kiss your daddy?" She asked him in her baby voice.

JJ smiled as he continued to eat, his hand still gripping his mother's hair. "He's a momma's boy," Jasper said, smiling at the blonde-haired baby.

"And Mary Ellen is a daddy's girl," Hayley said, noticing how the baby girl was staring at her dad with sleepy eyes.

"I shouldn't have favorites," Jasper chucked, "but JJ threw up all over me earlier. Mary can be a daddy's girl all she wants. You can deal with the puker."

"No fair," Hayley groaned before letting out a small laugh.

A knock at the door made the two parents frown. Jasper looked towards the door, "Come in," he said, standing in front of his breastfeeding wife.

Rose walked through the door, her eyes wide. "Hayley, you're awake!" She said, smiling when she noticed the dhampir.

"She just woke up," Jasper informed, moving out of the way so Rose could see the girl.

"Bella woke up, too," the female vampire stated, staring at the feeding babies in awe.

"Bella's awake? How is she doing?" Hayley questioned.

"She's doing great," Rose said. "She and Edward are out hunting right now, but they'll be home soon."

"I need to be there when Bella sees Renesmee," Hayley stated, her voice urgent. "I have to protect Renesmee now. I trust Bella with my life, but I don't trust a newborn vampire around a baby."

"I understand," Rose said. "I can take JJ and Mary while you get cleaned up."

Hayley smiled down at her babies as they finished feeding. She handed them off the Rose, who was more than happy to take them. Once the blonde vampire left with the twins, Jasper and Hayley were left alone.

Hayley stood up and stretched her body as Jasper stared at her with loving eyes. She stripped off her dirty clothes and immediately felt better. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked for a change of clothes.

"Renesmee and Mary get along quite well," Jasper informed the dhampir as he sat down.

Hayley smiled while changing into a clean nursing bra. "They're going to be little besties!" She exclaimed, frowning as she struggled to fasten it.

"What's the matter?" Jasper asked, noticing her frustrated mood.

Hayley placed her hands on her painfully swollen breasts. "I just fed them and I already feel like I'm about to burst," she groaned.

"I can run to our house and grab your pump if you want it," Jasper offered.

Hayley shook her head, "There isn't enough time. Bella and Edward will be back soon."

"Are you sure? I can feel how uncomfortable you are," he said, looking at her with soft eyes.

Hayley smiled at him. "I should be fine," she told him. "But if I hear the sound of a crying baby, they might explode."

Jasper laughed as he picked up her shirt and walked over to her. "You are such a great mom," he complimented. "I love to watch you with the twins."

"You honestly have no idea how much that means to me," she said. "For the last week, I feel like everything I do is wrong."

"You might be," Jasper told her. "When we found out you were pregnant, I was absolutely terrified. I thought I was going to be a terrible dad, and that I would mess everything up. Throughout the pregnancy, I would listen and feel the babies kick. It honestly freaked me out more, but it also helped me get ready. When you slept at night, you would also put your hand on your stomach. Seeing that made me realize that everything was going to be okay. Like the pregnancy, we don't know what to expect when it comes to being parents, but we'll figure it out. One step at time. As long as JJ and Mary Ellen are safe and happy, that's all that matters."

Tears filled Hayley's eyes as she flung herself into Jasper's arms. "I don't know what I would do without you," she cried. "I love you so much, and I'm so happy to raise our babies together."

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