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"I'm down to party"


Hayley glanced down at the engagement ring on her finger and smiled. It had been nearly a week since Jasper proposed to her, and she still couldn't believe it. All of her friends were shocked too.

"I'm thinking a June wedding," Hayley said, a small smile on her lips as she looked over at Jasper.

It was an early Monday morning, and the three were all currently in Hayley's bedroom planning the formal event. Alice insisted on coordinating the wedding, so she was there gathering insight on what Hayley wanted.

"Why so soon?" Jasper asked curiously, sensing her happiness.

"Bella wants to be turned before her 19th birthday, so I was thinking we could have our wedding in June and then spend the next two months on our honeymoon," Hayley explained. "That way we can have all the privacy we want, for as long as we want."

"Perfect, I can already see it's going to be a wonderful day," Alice said. "Your dress is-"

"Shh! No spoilers," Hayley quickly interrupted.

Alice laughed. "Okay, I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm just so excited!"

"Me too," Hayley said, smiling at Jasper again.

"Hayley!" Ellen shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "You better not be late for school!"

Hayley sighed. "I'm so glad we only have a few weeks left," she stated.

Jasper chuckled as he stood up. "Try having to complete high school hundreds of times," he said.

"You poor thing," Hayley fake pouted.

Alice smiled at the couple, knowing how much happiness the future held for them. "At least we'll get a break after graduation," she said, her eyes suddenly lighting up. "Speaking of which, I've decided to through a party!"

"A party? Like a graduation party, where you invite our entire graduating class?" Hayley questioned, a surprised look on her face.

"Yes! Unlike us, you're graduating for the first time. That's a huge reason to celebrate, plus Flo has enough control now," Alice said.

Hayley smiled. "I'm down to party," she said.

"Awesome!" Alice exclaimed. "I'll start telling everyone today."

"Alice, are you-"

"Hayley! You got 5 seconds or I'm slashing your tires!" Ellen yelled.

Hayley groaned. "I'm coming!" She shouted back.

Jasper walked over to Hayley and kissed her. "I'll see you at school. Drive safe," he told her.

"Always," Hayley promised.

"Bye!" Alice chirped before she jumped out the window.


"I can't have a lame speech!" Jessica exclaimed, frustrated with her writer's block.

"You're not going to have a lame speech," Hayley assured, smiling when she saw Edward and Bella walking over.

The awkward couple sat down, receiving greetings from everyone. "Just in time," Mike told them. "All right, check it out. "My fellow students." Right? "We are the future. Anything is possible, if you just believe." Blah, blah, blah. Perfect."

"Nice," Angela complimented.

"Did you just rip off song lyrics?" Hayley questioned, laughing.

"And you got yourself a speech," Mike said, siding the paper to Jessica.

"No. This'll be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head," Jessica retorted as she crumpled the paper up and threw it at Mike. "So thank you."

"You gotta embrace the cliches, Jess," Mike told her.

"They are all the bread and butter of all valedictorians," Eric said.

"And that is why you are not valedictorian," Angela told her boyfriend.

"Jess doesn't need cliches," Bella said. "Your speech is gonna be epic."

"Epic? It'll change lives," Jessica said.

Jasper and Alice sat down at the table, Jasper smiling and grabbing his girlfriend's hand as he did so. "I've decided to throw a party," Alice announced.

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper said, to which Edward chuckled at the inside joke.

"A party? At your place?" Angela questioned.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica said.

"No one's ever seen their house," Eric said.

"I have," Hayley stated.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked, his tone dark.

"It'll be fun," Alice insisted.

"Yeah. That's what you said last time," Bella said.

"Would you two lighten up? After everything high school has put us through, we deserve to have a little fun," Hayley said, noticing Alice was having a vision.

"Exactly!" Jessica agreed.

The group of teenagers continued their normal conversations, all while the four supernatural creatures shared a concerned look.

Bella's life was once again in danger.

May, 18th

This chapter is dedicated to Gregory Tyree Boyce, or our beloved Tyler Crowley. Today, he sadly passed away at the age of 30. The cause of death is unknown at this time. RIP.

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